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Phone: +7 (8182) 21-61-18


Retraction Guidelines

Версия для печати


The policy of the journal Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) regarding the withdrawal (retraction) of publications is based on the recommendation Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

The grounds for retraction the article are gross violations of scientific and publishing ethics, which include significant plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, etc.

The purpose of retraction

The retraction is a mechanism of correction of published information and notification of readers about articles containing such serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. Invalidity of data can be the result of honest mistake or conscious violations.

The retraction is also used as a warning of readers about the instances of duplicate publications (when the author(s) present same research in several publications), plagiarism, and concealment of serious conflicts of interest that can affect the interpretation of the results or recommendations on their use.

The purpose of the retraction is to correct the literature data and ensure their reliability, and not to punish authors who “behave badly”.

The result of the retraction is the confirmation by the editors of the journal of the fact that the article contains violations. Authors may disagree with the position of editors, but this does not negate the right of editors to conduct the procedure.

An article can be retracted by the author(s), publisher or editor of the journal.

In the event that the author or authors refuse to retract the article, the publisher has the right to retract the article without their consent, since publisher bears the responsibility for the contents of the journal.

The results of the retraction are reflected in the publication, indicating in the title of the publication that the article is being withdrawn, listing the reasons for the recall under the annotation, and indicating the persons or organizations that initiated it.

Retraction does not mean deletion of the article from the journal, publisher’s website (the journal’s website) or the bibliography database. The article remains in all aforementioned resources with a clear notice of retraction, while retaining its DOI number and published URL. This is necessary, as other researchers may have already referenced this article and need to be notified of its retraction.


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