Address: Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V.Lomonosov, office 1425

Phone: +7 (8182) 21-61-18

For authors

For authors

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Dear authors,

We invite you to check the Article Submission Guidelines and the Sample of the Article Design

Register your ORCID and ResearcherID

The fee for the article publication is not charged, royalties are not paid.

Stage I. Manuscript Submission

Submission of a manuscript can be done both electronically via the Journal’s website (Open Journal System) and in hard copy by post with a subsequent request for an electronic version of the manuscript. In case of submitting a manuscript via the Open Journal System (OJS), authors will have access to all versions of their manuscript (when submitting, accepting, and publishing). The OJS allows you to trace the cycle of your article from submission to publication.    

By submitting the manuscript to Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) the author provides certain rights under the license agreement to use the article, guarantees its originality, submission of the manuscript to the sole publisher only, as well as following the procedures for the use of borrowed materials.

According to the requirements listed below, the author(s) should submit the manuscript (MS Word) accompanied by supporting documents (PDF or JPG) and send it to the editorial office by e-mail Then the article is assigned a registration number. The original supporting documents should be sent to the editorial office by post.

If the article does not meet the requirements, the author is sent a rejection to accept the article as non-compliant with the formal requirements without specifying the reasons for non-compliance. The editorial board does not enter into correspondence with authors on the issues of the article design; a detailed description of the requirements is posted on the website of the journal. The author has the right to improve the manuscript and resubmit it for consideration.

The documents to be sent to the editorial office:

– License agreementwhich should be filled in by hand with a blue ink pen, duplex printing;

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of the article according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0);

Cover letter     

Stage II. Preliminary examination and double-blind peer reviewing

Manuscripts sent to the editorial office are not returned.

All articles are tested by the Plagiarism Checker Antiplagiat, preliminary examination, and double-blind peer reviewing by at least two reviewers – the experts on a subject of the article (see: Regulations on Peer Reviewing).

Preliminary examination of the manuscript by the editorial board

The registered manuscript is submitted for discussion to the editorial board, where a collegial decision is made:
- positive (the manuscript is accepted for review with the assignment of reviewers);
- negative.
If the decision of the editorial board is negative, the author is sent a notice of rejection to publish based on the decision of the editorial board. Only the general reason for the rejection is reported (does not meet the requirements in terms of subject, scientific level, novelty, depth of research). Neither the Editorial Board nor its members enter into correspondence on the rejection.

Stage III. Working on the reviewer's comments

After receiving a review of the article, the author is sent a notification on it. All correspondence between the author and the reviewer is held by the journal’s editorial office and is strictly recorded.

If the review is negative, the author is informed that his/her article has been rejected and cannot be published in the journal. The editorial team does not enter into further correspondence.

In case the article requires revision according to the comments of the reviewers, the author will be sent copies of reviews to the e-mail indicated in the article. The author within no more than 14 calendar days (at the request of the author the period can be extended up to 30 days) have to submit an edited text of the article, taking into account the reviewer’s comments. Failure to meet the deadline for revision is a reason for rejecting the article for further consideration. In case of partial or complete neglection of the reviewer’s comments, it is assumed that the article also did not pass the reviewing stage, about which the author gets a notice. Together with the revised article the author necessarily sends a letter to the reviewer, which contains answers to all the comments and explanations for changes and additions made in the article. At that the reviewing stage is over, the article is submitted for discussion by the editorial board; a positive review is not a sufficient warranty for publication of the article. The final decision remains with the editorial board. If the decision of the editorial board is negative, the author is sent a notice of rejection of publication based on the decision of the editorial board. A general reason for the rejection is given without specifying the details.

Stage IV. Preparing the article for publication

The decision to accept articles for publication in the journal is taken at a meeting of the editorial board of the journal. Each issue of the scientific journal is formed of the articles accepted for publication in the order of their submission to the editorial office. Before publication, the article again passes the stage of checking for borrowings.

The editorial team has the right of editing the manuscript, which is agreed upon with the corresponding author at the proofreading stage.

The proof sheet of the article is sent to the authors by e-mail. The errors found in the article should be reported to the editor Darya S. Orlova by no later than 3 days after receiving the proofreading.

Stage V. Article Publication
After the publication of the article in the journal, the author is entitled to get a copy of the issue. On all issues please contact Tatyana G. Tagaeva by