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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Investment Attractiveness of the North Arctic Region: Estimation, Tools, Management Mechanisms

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V.N. Myakshin, A.V. Plastinin

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The article is devoted to the justification of methodological approaches to the problem of the investment attractiveness of the region. The course to the modernization on the basis of the cost-effective innovation is recognized and inevitable. It is a single project of federal im-portance. The moving process from raw materials export model of development to the inno-vation economy is quite costly, it requires additional private and foreign investment. A sig-nificant increase of investment activity is possible only on the basis of improving of the investment attractiveness of the country and the individual regions. To provide dynamic in-crease in the volume of investments is possible only by managing the process of increase of the investment attractiveness of the region. This article develops basic definitions, problems and tools of the management of investment attractiveness of the region from the comprehen-sive approach. Consideration of the categories of investment issues from the perspective of a systematic approach has allowed establishing a hierarchy used in the assessment of the in-vestment attractiveness of categories based on their economic substance that provides the key to the understanding the essence of investment attractiveness. Based on the study of the national practices the main approaches to the evaluation of investment attractiveness were marked, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of factors of investment attractiveness, the principles of their classification, cell structure. The theoretical foundations of the concept of the investment attractiveness are considered and the methodological approaches to the assessment of investment attractive-ness are substantiated. Economic studies enable to state the fact that the variety and diversity of scientific approaches to the assessment of investment attractiveness, the lack of universal analytical tools and mechanisms lead to the predominance of subjective decisions in the investment field. All this confirms the necessity and urgency of further development of methods, tools and mechanisms of investment attraction management, which are carried out in the project “The main directions of improving the investment attractiveness of the North Arctic region of Russia" performed in the framework of the Federal Target Program "Scien-tific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia".


V.N. Myakshin, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor 
A.V. Plastinin, Doctor of Economics, Professor


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; e-mail:


Keywods: management of investment attractiveness, investment climate, investment activi-ty, factors of investment attractiveness, investment potential.


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Investment Attractiveness of the North Arctic Region: Estimation, Tools, Management Mechanisms


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