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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Forest Typologies in the Russian Federation. C. 9-30

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V.V. Fomin, N.S. Ivanova, S.V. Zalesov, A.S. Popov, A.P. Mikhailovich

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The aim of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the main Russian forest type classifications: forest-ecological classification by E.V. Alekseev – P.S. Pogrebnyak, phytocoenotic classification by V.N. Sukachev, genetic classification by B.A. Ivashkevich – B.P. Kolesnikov and dynamic one by I.S. Melekhov. The comparison is made on the following positions: the content of the concept of classification unit (type of habitat conditions, forest type); peculiarities of the classification unit boundary; classification features for determining the type of habitat conditions; distinctive features of phytocenosis classification for establishing the forest type; the degree of consideration of successional dynamics of forest plantations and the influence of anthropogenic factors; the level of implementation in forestry practice and regions of implementation. It is established that during the development of forest typologies the idea of forest type changed from a forest area that is homogeneous in composition, structure and appearance (homogeneity in space) in natural classifications to the idea of forest type with the priority of homogeneity in origin (genesis), development processes and dynamics (homogeneity in time) in comparison with the homogeneity of composition and structure in genetic and dynamic typologies. The geographical distribution of forest-ecological, phytocenotic and genetic classifications of forest types in the Russian Federation at the present moment is given. Forest-ecological classifications are used mainly in the southern regions of the European Russia and in the North Caucasus. Forest typologies based on the genetic approach to forest type classification are used in Western Siberia, in the south of the Far East and Eastern Siberia, and in some regions of the Urals. In the rest of the Russian Federation, phytocenotic classifications of forest types are used. The unification of existing typologies into a single classification is possible on the basis of the genetic approach, as natural typologies within the framework of this approach can be a component of genetic classifications. The solution of the problem of combining the use of different typologies in one region will provide the level of forest inventory, allowing to optimize forest management and compare the obtained data both for the subjects of the Russian Federation and for the country as a whole.
Acknowledgements: The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR grant No. 20-14-50422), by grants of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (FEUG 2023-0002, FEUZ 2023-0023) and within the framework of the state assignment of the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors thank the staff of the branches of FGBI "Roslesinforg": "Amurlesproekt", Bashkir branch, Buryat branch, "Voronezhlesproekt", Vyatka branch, "Dallesproekt", Kazan branch, "Karellesproekt", Kamchatka branch, branch for the Republic of Mari-El, Omsk branch, Penza branch, Perm branch, "Pribaikallesproekt", Primorsky branch, Komi Republic branch, Ryazan branch, Tver branch, "Tsentrlesproekt" – for information on the use of forest typological classifications in the regions, and also express their gratitude to individual employees: Khrebtov A.G., Korsikov R.S. and Solodko V.I. ("Zapsiblesproekt"), Nifnevich A.E. ("Vostsiblesproekt"), Protchenko G.K. ("Moslesproekt"), Petukhov N.V. ("Povolzhsky lesproekt"), Shusharin A.P. ("Sevlesproekt"), Lobanov A.I. ("Sevzaplesproekt"), Torkhov S.V. (Arkhangelsk branch).


Valery V. Fomin1*, Doctor of Biology, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: J-3404-2017,
Natalya S. Ivanova1,2, Doctor of Biology; ResearcherID: O-8367-2019,
Sergey V. Zalesov1, Doctor of Agriculture, Prof.; ResearcherID: H-2605-2019,
Artem S. Popov1, Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: AAN-6020-2021,
Anna P. Mikhailovich3, Senior Lecturer; ResearcherID: AAN-5903-2020,


1Ural State Forest Engineering University, ul. Sibirsky Trakt, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620100, Russian Federation;*,,,
2Botanical Garden of Ural Branch of RAS, ul. 8 Marta, 202а, Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation;
3Ural Federal University, ul. Mira, 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation;


forest typology, natural classifications of forest types, genetic classifications of forest types, forest-ecological typology, phytocenotic typology, dynamic typology, genetic typology, forest typology research in Russia

For citation

Fomin V.V., Ivanova N.S., Zalesov S.V., Popov A.S., Mikhailovich A.P. Forest Typologies in the Russian Federation. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 6, pp. 9–30. (In Russ.).


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