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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Creation of Greenhouse Complexes for Growing Pine Planting Material. P.195-203

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Konstantin L. Mikhaylov, Svetlana V. Gorbunova, Dan’yal H. Fayzulin

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The provision of the necessary amounts of planting material of proper quality and standards becomes one of the defining issues in reforestation. The research aims at substantiating the technological possibilities and commercial attractiveness of creating a greenhouse complex oriented towards the renters of forest sites of small and medium business. We accepted the hypothesis that the location of reforestation infrastructure near the places of seed and planting material origin provides forestry and economic effects such as increased rooting ability of forest crops and greater growth of young plantations. The results of studies of selective seed breeding of conifers (pine, spruce), seed productivity and seed origin for 1967–2017 in the territories of the Komi Republic, the Republic of Karelia, the Murmansk region, the Arkhangelsk region and the Vologda region became the basis for this approach. The article defines the role and forms of partnership between the state and the forest business in the creation of infrastructure facilities for reforestation. The methodological basis of the study consisted of system analysis, economic and mathematical methods. We studied the state of the market of planting material in the region, the specifics of public-private partnerships in the construction and further maintenance of forest infrastructure facilities; calculated the effectiveness of the investment project and substantiated the cost of planting material. The results of the research and development work are the structure of the cost of growing pine seedlings in a single rotation, the calculation of the transfer (intercompany) price of the final product. There are examples of state participation in the financing of the forest industry within the framework of public-private partnership. The effectiveness of the creation and operation of the greenhouse complex is calculated by the net cash flow, return on investment and payback period (under the options of co-financing by the state and the business). The results are intended for the renters of forest sites, government institutions responsible for the organization and management of the industry. The calculations can be used in forest planning and in the design of strategic documents on the forest complex development.


Konstantin L. Mikhaylov*, Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Prof., Leading Research Scientist; ResearcherID: ABH-5210-2020, ORCID: 
Svetlana V. Gorbunova, Candidate of Agriculture, Senior Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAD-6407-2019, ORCID:
Dan’yal H. Fayzulin, Research Scientist; ORCID:


Northern Research Institute of Forestry, ul. Nikitova, 13, Arkhangelsk, 163062, Russian Federation;*,


forestry, reforestation, afforestation, greenhouse complexes, ball-rooted seedlings, investments in the forest sector, public-private partnership

For citation

Mikhaylov K.L., Gorbunova S.V., Fayzulin D.H. Creation of Greenhouse Complexes for Growing Pine Planting Material. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2022, no. 5, pp. 195–203. (In Russ.).


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