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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Dynamics of Pine Turpentine Flow Depending on the Macrostructural Parameters of Wood on Swamped Soils

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A.S. Novoselov

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Issues related to predicting the production of wood chemical products of sap (turpentine) of pine growing on peat soils, according to the data of radial growth in recent years (current growth), are quite relevant nowadays. It is well known that natural pine turpentine is superior in many respects to similar raw materials obtained in wood chemical industry by extraction. The experiment aimed at determining the specific relationship between the flow of pine turpentine and the wood macrostructure involved the following types of stands: control (naturally swamped), artificially drained (using gravity canals), as well as drained and anthropogenically disturbed by partial harvesting (in 2005). The study was carried out in the Sokol municipal district of the Vologda region (Sokol area forestry). The stands in the experiment are represented by high and medium density categories and dominated  by pine. The stock of pine stem mass in drained conditions reaches 500 m3/ha. The express method of micro-wounding made it possible to determine the dynamics of resin flow in the shortest possible time, for 2013–2015 (during three months of the summer part of the growing season). A day after fixing the tubes in the tree bark, the turpentine flow was measured (individual and statistically average recording). Wood sampling in the radial section was carried out in 2019 by an increment borer; the increment of late and early wood, the width of the annual ring and the proportion of late wood in the annual layers were found. Statistical analyses of the obtained results were carried out: variation, correlation and regression. Student’s and Fisher’s tests were used as well. The positive effect of hydro-forest reclamation on the flow of turpentine during pine tapping was confirmed. It is possible to predict resin flow with an error probability of 43 % based on radial growth data in a pine forest on peat soils after artificial drainage. During the experiment in naturally swamped conditions it was not possible to predict trends in resin flow by radial growth of wood.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license • The author declares that there is no conflict of interest


Anatoly S. Novoselov, Candidate of Agriculture; ResearcherID: H-1173-2019, ORCID:


Vologda State University, ul. Lenina, 15, Vologda, 160000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


tapping of pine, hydrotechnical reclamation, selective harvesting of wood, environmental factors, macrostructure of wood, radial growth, pine turpentine

For citation

Novoselov A.S. Dynamics of Pine Turpentine Flow Depending on the Macrostructural Parameters of Wood on Swamped Soils. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 2, pp. 105–117. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2022-2-105-117


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