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L.V. Lyasheva, A.A. Lyashev, Yu.S. Steinberg Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.3MB )UDС630*161.34+630*164.4+581.134DOI:10.37482/0536-1036-2022-1-62-76AbstractWe have studied 4 species of the genus fir, 3 species of the genus spruce (including (hereinafter) 14 varieties of Norway spruce and 12 varieties of blue spruce), 2 species of the genus larch (3 varieties of Western European larch), 7 species of the genus pine (7 varieties of mountain pine and 12 varieties of northern white cedar), 6 species of the genus juniper (3 varieties of common juniper, 5 varieties of savin juniper, a variety of Rocky Mountain juniper, 3 varieties of flaky juniper, 2 varieties of Virginian juniper and 3 varieties of Juniperus pfitzeriana) and a species of Siberian carpet cypress. All the studied plants were divided into three groups: highly promising, less promising and unpromising for this region. Most plants from the first group have large habitats indicating a wide range of their ecological potential. It has been found that the use of plants from the second group requires a careful selection of suitable locations and great attention to care measures. Plants from the third group are unpromising. It is impractical to use them actively in landscaping. The analysis also resulted in the development of a method for selecting coniferous plants for landscaping in the northern forest steppe of the south of the Tyumen region, based on their size parameters, species, varieties and needle colour. There are also 4 groups based on height: procumbent, scrubby, medium-grown, and tall-grown. Each group is divided into 3 subgroups based on the color of the needles: green, yellowish and caesious. The size of the plant has to be taken into account when creating ornamental plantations. Thus, fastgrowing varieties are useful for short-term decorative effects or in places where wind or noise protection is required fairly quickly. Medium-grown species are suitable for landscaping any territories and, with the use of restrictive pruning, even for small gardens or topiary art. Scrubby plants are suitable for landscaping small gardens, rockeries, small compositions. Depending on their growth rate, groundcover plants can be used as a lawn replacement, to stabilize slopes and create a carpet effect.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license • The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest AuthorsLyudmila V. Lyasheva1, Doctor of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: ABB-2644-2021, ORCID: A. Lyashev1, Doctor of Biology, Assoc. Prof.; ORCID: Yuliya S. Steinberg2, Director; ORCID: Affiliation1Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, ul. Respubliki, 7, Tyumen, 625003, Russian Federation; e-mail:, laa_2003@rambler.ru2Landscape Workshop “Yucca Park”, 14 km Salairskogo trakta, Tyumen, 625009, Russian Federation; e-mail: Keywordsintroduced plants, ornamental coniferous plants, winter hardiness, less promising for the south of the Tyumen region, highly promising for the south of the Tyumen region, unpromising for the south of the Tyumen region, pruning, shading, wateringFor citationLyasheva L.V., Lyashev A.A., Steinberg Yu.S. Winter Hardiness of Conifers in the Northern Forest Steppe Conditions of the South of the Tyumen Region. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 1, pp. 49–61. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2022-1-49-61References1. Aleksandrova M.S. Miniature Conifers. Flora, 1997, no. 2, pp. 13–15.2. Aleksandrova M.S., Aleksandrova P.V. Coniferous Plants in Your Garden. Rostov-on-Don, Feniks Publ., 2005. 151 p. 3. Zakharenko G.S. 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