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S.S. Makarov, G.V. Tyak, I.B. Kuznetsova, A.I. Chudetsky, S.Yu. Tsaregradskaya Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС634.7AbstractThe article presents the results of experimental studies on various propagation methods of the Arctic bramble in the Kostroma region. Industrial cultivation of forest berry plantations is a possible effective solution to the problem of low profitability of using nontimber forest products, reduction of the wild berries resources and their productivity and quality, and reclamation of cutover peatlands. It is advisable to use high-yield varietal planting material to create such plantations. Special attention is paid to propagation and production of healthy planting material using culture of plant cells and tissues. Data on sterilization of explants when introduced in vitro are given. The highest efficiency of sterilization was observed when using a chlorine-free eco-sterilizer (the plant survival rate on the MS nutrient medium was 90–93 %). The effect analysis of the passage number of regenerated plants on the multiplication factor of the Arctic bramble varieties was carried out. The optimal concentrations of cytokinins at the stage of micropropagation are shown. The largest number of the Arctic bramble roots was observed when adding 1.0 mg/L of Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 0.5 mg/L of Ecogel to the nutrient medium. The technological and agrotechnical operations performed during the cultivation of planting material of forest berry plantations are considered. Data on the coefficients of vegetative propagation of plants and their resistance to diseases, yielding capacity, and recultivation of cutover peatlands are given. The best planting material of the Arctic bramble are ball-rooted seedlings. Sawdust and sphagnum were used in the cultivation of this berry on the peatland. The economic efficiency of its cultivation with the method of clonal micropropagation was 358.2 %.AuthorsSergey S. Makarov1, Candidate of Agriculture, Senior Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAK-9829-2021, ORCID: V. Tyak1, Candidate of Biology, Head of the Non-Timber Forest Products Group; ResearcherID: AAB-4215-2021, ORCID: Irina B. Kuznetsova2, Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: AAB-4568-2021, ORCID: Anton I. Chudetsky1, Leading Engineer; ResearcherID: H-1210-2019, ORCID: Svetlana Yu. Tsaregradskaya3, Candidate of Agriculture, Scientific Secretary; ResearcherID: AAE-1073-2020, ORCID: Affiliation1Central-European Forest Experimental Station, prosp. Mira, 134, Kostroma, 156013, Russian Federation; e-mail:,, a.chudetsky@mail.ru2Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Uchebnyy gorodok, Karavayevskaya s/a, 34, pos. Karavayevo, Kostroma District, Kostroma Region, 156530, Russian Federation; e-mail: 3All-Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry, ul. nstitutskaya, 15, Pushkino, Moscow Region, 141202, Russian Federation; e-mail: KeywordsArctic bramble, clonal micropropagation, in vitro, variety, cytokinins, auxins, cutover peatlands, reclamation, yielding capacity, economic efficiencyFor citationMakarov S.S., Tyak G.V., Kuznetsova I.B., Chudetsky A.I., Tsaregradskaya S.Yu. Producing Planting Material of Rubus arcticus L. by Clonal Micropropagation. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 6, pp. 89–99. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-6-89-99References1. Агафонов Н.В., Фаустов В.В. Применение регуляторов роста в плодоводстве. М.: ВНИИТ ЭИС Х, 1972. 64 с. Agafonov N.V., Faustov V.V. Using Growth Regulators in Fruit Farming. Moscow, VNIITEISKh Publ., 1972. 64 p. 2. Баранова И.И., Смирнова Л.М., Ершова Г.Ф. 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