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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Accumulation Features of Debris in Mature Pine Forests of Middle Taiga in the Republic of Karelia

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S.A. Moshnikov, V.A. Anan’yev, V.A. Matyushkin

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Stocks of coarse woody debris (CWD) in pine plantations of 81–120 years old were determined according to the data from 73 sample plots grounded in the middle taiga subzone (Karelian taiga district). Index of CWD stocks differs by the high variability (0–180 m3/ha) and is estimated at an average of 51 m3/ha, i.e. up to 15–20 % of the total available stock. Myrtillus pine forests (63 m3/ha) are characterized by the largest stocks of coarse woody debris in the context of typological structure of the Republic of Karelia forest fund; lichen pine forests (12 m3/ha) are characterized by the smallest stocks. Stocks in vaccinium and ledum pine forests are 34 and 35 m3/ha respectively. The CWD stock was found to positively correlate with plantation bonitet class. The dependence of CWD stock on stand stock was confirmed. The higher the stand stock the higher the amount of woody debris (correlation coefficient for the grouped data is 0.90). This relationship is seen quite clearly in the 150–400 m3/ha range. This allows to use these data in future calculations for further determination of CWD amounts and carbon mass of the respective pool based on data from the State Forest Register. A positive correlation between the stock of coarse woody debris and other stand valuation parameters (mean diameter and height, sum of basal areas, relative density, number of growing trees) was statistically confirmed. A tendency in reduction of CWD stocks in plantations after thinning of different recentness and intensity in comparison with plantations without thinning was detected. This patterns is observed in stands with a removal rate of up to 15 % of trees (150 stumps/ha).


S.A. Moshnikov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Acting for Head of Laboratory
V.A. Anan’yev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
V.A. Matyushkin, Chief Engineer


Forest Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Pushkinskaya, 11, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, 185910, Russian Federation; e-mail:


coarse woody debris, carbon, pine plantations, stock, age, bonitet, thinning

For citation

Moshnikov S.A., Anan’yev V.A., Matyushkin V.A. Accumulation Features of De-bris in Mature Pine Forests of Middle Taiga in the Republic of Karelia. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 1, pp. 40–51. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.1.40


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Received on February 05, 2018

Accumulation Features of Debris in Mature Pine Forests of Middle Taiga in the Republic of Karelia


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