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G.V. Kozlov, A.V. Skrypnikov, E.V. Chernyshova, E.V. Chirkov, S.A. Postavnichiy, R.V. Mogutnov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС634.0.383(083.9)DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.6.117AbstractScientific basis of forestry roads design laid down in the works of the leading scientists in the sphere of support of their transportation and operational parameters is based on the automobile theory. At the initial stage the requirements for plan and profile parts were determined by the condition of movement of a single car according to dynamic characteristics and dynamic stability on the certain road sections, i.e. by the condition of “car – road” system interaction. A necessity to ensure the traffic flow of varying intensity emerged with the increase of cars on roads. That required studying of “road conditions – transport roads” system interaction. These issues were studied in the papers of such scientists as A.K. Biruli, V.F. Babkov, E.V. Kondrashov, V.V. Sil’yanova and others, who created the fundamentals of the traffic flows theory under varying road conditions. Application of the theories of probability and queueing to the study of movement processes in the papers of Ya.A. Kaluzhskiy, V.V. Sil’yanov, I.V. Begma, V.M. Kislyakov and D. Dryu had significantly deepened the understanding of regularities of traffic flows and their management. Traffic speeds had increased due to the increase of acceleration capacity of cars and improvement of roads that enhanced the driver’s role in choosing the optimal modes and ensuring traffic safety. Consequently, one of the most promising ways to improve the efficiency of forestry road transport is the study of “driver – traffic conditions” system interaction. The research shows that the requirements for the road parameters must be based on creation of the most favorable conditions for the driver's work since the key link in “driver – car – road – environment” system interaction is a driver. Methods of landscape and spatial design of forestry roads must be developed due to these requirements. Currently, there are no requirements for assumed changes in transportation and operational parameters of roads depending on the climatic and weather conditions and methods for assessment of their influence on the traffic mode and safety. This does not allow evaluating of projects quality and efficiency of road service activities for ensuring of traffic convenience and safety on road.AuthorsG.V. Kozlov, Doctor of Engineering SciencesA.V. Skrypnikov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor E.V. Chernyshova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences E.V. Chirkov, External Student S.A. Postavnichiy, External Student R.V. Mogutnov, External Student AffiliationVoronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, prosp. Revolyutsii, 19, Voronezh, 394036, Russian Federation; e-mail:,,,, r-mogutnov@mail.ruKeywordsforestry roads, operation parameters, road design, information supportFor citationKozlov G.V., Skrypnikov A.V., Chernyshova E.V., Chirkov E.V., Postavnichiy S.A, Mogutnov R.V. Theoretical Foundations and Methods of Mathematical Modeling of Forestry Roads. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2018, no. 6, pp. 117–127. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.6.117 References1. Babkov V.F. Dorozhnyye usloviya i bezopasnost’ dvizheniya: ucheb. dlya vuzov [Road Conditions and Traffic Safety: Textbook for Universities]. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1993. 271 p. (In Russ.)2. Birulya A.K. Ekspluatatsiya avtomobil’nykh dorog: ucheb. [Road Operation: Textbook]. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1966. 326 p. (In Russ.) 3. Dryu D. Teoriya transportnykh potokov i upravleniye imi [Theory of Traffic Flows and Their Management]. Moscow, Transport Publ., 2012. 424 p. (In Russ.) 4. Ivanov V.N., Erokhov V.N. 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Available at: (accessed 01.11.2016). Received on June 25, 2018 Theoretical Foundations and Methods of Mathematical Modeling of Forestry Roads |
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