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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Recent Trends of Forest Formation in Forest Strips of the Kamennaya Steppe

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V.D. Tunyakin, V.S. Vavin, N.V. Rybalkina

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The article considers the formation features of artificial forest stand structure on chernozem soils in forest steppe – steppe transition zone. Forest strip (113 years old) is considered as a self-developing forest biocenosis with forest edge, self-seeding of wood species and shrubs, new growth and undergrowth. Multi-year changes in species composition of the forest stand (trees age from 30 to 113) are shown, where elm became an edge breed from a dominant breed, while overstory was formed from open-growing trees of oak, ash, tall-growing English field maple, rarely linden and black locust. The role of forest edge not only in forest strip expansion, but also in formation of a complex uneven-aged plantation was established. Formation of transition zone between mother stand and forest edge in old-aged artificial plantation, where its width increased from 10.7 m to 64.0 m, is shown for the first time. A new stand of seed and soboliferous origin is forming in transition zone. The positive role of tall-growing English field maple, box elder, black locust and American ash in forest forming in narrow protective forest strips is determined. The abundance of self-seeding of American ash and European ash on the northern forest edge, and self-seeding of box elder on the southern forest edge, which consists of soboliferous forms of black locust and elm, points to a complex mechanism of plantation expansion beyond the original boarders. The presence of uneven-aged new growth in all structural components of the plantation including forest edges confirms the plantation ability to further forest forming development and expansion of its boarders not only due to forest edges expansion, but due to the new stand formation of main forest forming tree species. In order to prevent plantations expansion by the means of arable land, in the case of necessity of firebreaks construction it is suggested to back out of the forest strip for 3–5 m to prevent creation of conditions for trees and shrubs seed germination. The most effective way of forest strips keeping in project boarders is a periodic cutting of trees inclined to the field and forming of a narrow protective forest edge.


V.D. Tunyakin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher
V.S. Vavin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Director
N.V. Rybalkina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher


Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Kamennaya Steppe Experimental Forest District”, pos. 2-go uch-ka Instituta im. Dokuchayeva, 64a, Talovskiy rayon, Voronezh Region, 397463, Russian Federation; e-mail:


protective forest strip, forest formation, new growth, undergrowth, self-seeding, stand structure, forest edge, transition zone

For citation

Tunyakin V.D., Vavin V.S., Rybalkina N.V. Recent Trends of Forest Formation in Forest Strips of the Kamennaya Steppe. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2018, no. 6, pp. 89–100. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.6.89


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Received on June 06, 2018

Recent Trends of Forest Formation in Forest Strips of the Kamennaya Steppe


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