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L.A. Ivanchina, S.V. Zalesov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 1.1MB )UDС630*416.16:630*5DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.6.48AbstractConsequences of spruce drying out in even-aged spruce stands of coniferous broad-leaved (mixed) forests of Perm Region was analyzed. Change in main valuation indicators of spruce stands was found based on 10 test areas. Plantations of the most productive forest types (linden spruce, wood sorrel spruce and green-moss spruce stands) are characterized by relatively high productivity. Thus, the stock of growing trees in linden spruce forest ranges from 292 to 685 m3/ha, from 337 to 530 m3/ha in wood sorrel spruce forest and from 259 to 606 m3/ha in green-moss spruce forest. The most part of test areas stands have a high relative forest density with spruce dominance in the composition. Aspen, birch, fir and smallleaved linden are represented among spruce accompanying tree species in linden spruce forests. Aspen, birch, fir and Scots pine are represented in wood sorrel and green-moss spruce forests. As the results of drying out the relative forest density, stand thickness and stock of green growing fine wood have decreased. Species composition of forest stands has changed due to the reduction of spruce proportion and increasing of soft-leaved species proportion. At the same time dominance in compositional formulas has passed to soft-leaved species and small-leaved linden on all test areas with plantations of linden spruce stands, thus, primary spruce forests were replaced by soft-leaved plantings. The fulfilled distribution of trees growing on test areas by the categories of sanitary state showed that dried out trees of the IV category of sanitary state exist in the plantations of all studied types of forest. This testifies that drying out of spruce stands continues. The values of average diameter of spruce after drying out of a part of the trees on absolute majority of test areas are less than before the beginning of drying out, which indicates first and foremost drying out of the largest trees with diameter above average. Large scale drying out of spruce stands has an adverse effect on economy of Perm region causing huge financial loss.AuthorsL.A. Ivanchina, Postgraduate StudentS.V. Zalesov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor AffiliationUral State Forest Engineering University, ul. Sibirsky trakt, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620100, Russian Federation;, zalesov@usfeu.ruKeywordsPerm region, coniferous broad-leaved (mixed) forests, spruce forests, drying out, valuation indicators, species conversionFor citationIvanchina L.A., Zalesov S.V. Influence of Drying out on Forest Valuation Indicators of Even-Aged Spruce Stands. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2018, no. 6, pp. 48–56. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.6.48References1. 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