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V.K. Teplyakov, V.S. Shalaev Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.7MB )UDС630*30DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.5.13AbstractThe International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) turned 125 years. Anni-versary Congress was held in September 2017. Four months later, the oldest Russian “Le-snoy Zhurnal” (Forestry Journal) turned 185 years. IUFRO and “Lesnoy Zhurnal” were es-tablished with the similar objectives. They are development and popularization of forest science, education and practice, and outreach activities in the forest community. Both “Le-snoy Zhurnal” and IUFRO went through certain developmental stages and temporary halts. What is more, for almost one century and a half, they have been moving side by side. The eventfulness of reasons for their establishment was rather similar despite the age difference between the Journal and the Union. The reasons were forest protection, forest education and forest sciences. The discussion on forest experiment stations and forest experimentation in Russia was published in the first issue just after the Journal’s second revival in 1871. The Union activities were often discussed at the forest community meetings since the IUFRO establishment in 1892. “Lesnoy Zhurnal” had always published the Minutes of the meetings. IUFRO congress materials also had been included in the Journal, for instance, the report of Professor G.F. Morozov on his participation in the 5th Congress of the International Union of Forest Experiment Stations that was held in Stuttgart (Germany). The regular work of “Lesnoy Zhurnal” after the halt caused by the turbulent events in the beginning of the 20th century was resumed in 1958. This had taken place within the efforts of Professor I.S. Mel-ekhov, who was a member of the Journal’s editorial board from its third revival for the rest of his life and an Editor-in-Chief from 1980 until 1993. The participation of Soviet organiza-tions and scientists in the IUFRO activities in the second half of the 20th century was covered in detail in relation to the congresses and also distinct, often fateful meetings by “Lesnoy Zhurnal”. Many articles in authorship or co-authorship with I.S. Melekhov, which were pub-lished by “Lesnoy Zhurnal”, were unique not only in the USSR, but in the whole world. For example, in 1982 he wrote in his article dedicated to the 90th IUFRO first convention Anniversary that “…according to its Statute, the IUFRO primary goal is the development of international cooperation in forest sciences, including not only forestry, but forest tech-nology, forest economics and other sciences, related to forest and its products”. Over the last years, “Lesnoy Zhurnal” regularly reports about Union’s activities. “Lesnoy Zhurnal” being the flagship of the forest periodical press in the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation for almost one hundred and fifty years highlights the close connection between its authors and the international forest community and its flagship, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).AuthorsV.K. Teplyakov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, ProfessorV.S. Shalaev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor AffiliationForest System Research Institute, Mytischi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1-ya Institutskaya ul., 1, Mytishchi-5, Moskovskaya obl., 141005, Russian Federation;e-mail:, KeywordsLesnoy Zhurnal, Forestry Journal, IUFRO, cooperationFor citationTeplyakov V.K., Shalaev V.S. Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal) and International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). 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Hundeshagen J.Ch., Miller Ph. Die Forstabschätzung auf neuen, wissenschaft-lichen Grundlagen nebst einer Charakteristik und Vergleichung aller bisher bestandenen Forsttaxations-Methoden, In 2 Abtl. Tübingen, 1826. 429 s. Received on March 16, 2018 Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal) and International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) |
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