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A.E. Prismakova, A.B. Dyagileva, A.I. Smirnova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС665.6.035.6DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.137AbstractIncreasing the efficiency of wood biomass treatment is an urgent task due to the unresolved problems in the integrated use of biopolymers in its composition, especially of such a valuable component as lignin, which has unique biochemical properties. The paper proposes a method for obtaining new products using sol-gel technology to form new modified struc-tures of technical lignins with additional mineral centers in the matrix. These inclusions, combined with the traditional polyfunctional groups, characteristic of lignins, impart specific hybrid properties to the modified products. Rheological properties are one of the most important characteristics for such structured hybrid systems. Therefore, the goal of research is to study these properties of the new forms of biopolymers. Rheological properties are studied by capillary viscometry methods. The research results for their new biopolymers, based on sulfate lignin modified by the sol-gel method, and a number of mineral components constituting the gel composition are presented. The influence of conditions for obtaining new biopolymers on their rheological properties, which indirectly characterize their structure in redistribution of the main components at the period of their formation, is established. Dynamics and the specific nature of changes in rheological properties depending on the time of maturation of biopolymers are revealed. The research results in combination with data of our other studies allow us to define promising directions for the further use of new forms of biopolymer based on technical lignins.AuthorsA.E. Prismakova, Postgraduate StudentA.B. Dyagileva, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor A.I. Smirnova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences AffiliationSaint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, ul. Ivana Cher-nykh, 4, Saint Petersburg, 198095, Russian Federation; e-mail:,, smirnova_nasty87@mail.ruKeywordslignin, alumosilicic compounds, lignin modification, new forms of biopolymers, rheological propertiesFor citationPrismakova A.E., Dyagileva A.B., Smirnova A.I. Rheological Properties of Sulfate Lignin Modified by the Sol-Gel Method. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 3, pp. 137–148. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.137References1. Akim E.L., Mandre Yu.G. Bio-refayning – proryvnaya tekhnologiya pererabotki drevesiny [Bio-Refining ‒ Breakthrough Technology of Wood Processing]. Oborudovanie i instrument dlya professionalov. Ser.: Derevoobrabotka [Equipment and Tools for Profes-sionals. Ser.: Woodworking], 2014, no. 1. Available at: derevoobrabotka/2014/1/bio-refaining-proryvnaya-tehnologiya-pererabotkidrevesiny.html (accessed 17.07.2017).2. 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