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S.N. Orlovskiy Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.6MB )UDС630*232.427DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.92AbstractThe existing technologies of planting and irrigation of forest seedlings in water deficiency zones of the Russian Federation do not ensure their sufficient establishment. As a rule, deep root irrigation of forest plantations is usually carried out by means of a hose connected with a tank with water or a water tank truck. The water consumption is 20…30 liters per plant; while up to 90 % of water ineffectively dissipates in the soil or evaporates. The goal of research is to substantiate an energy-saving technology of deep root irrigation of forest plant seedlings when creating shelterbelts in desertificated areas in close conditions of irrigation water delivering with the use of renewable environmentally safe energy sources to feed it to root systems and developing equipment. The research method is the calculation of machine capacity for water delivery and deep root irrigation, hydraulic calculations of the irrigation system and equipment for its implementation. The research results are specific data on irrigation technology, shift and seasonal productivity of machines, their number, parameters of a water tank truck and its equipment for supplying water to hydraulic utilities and their sections, power costs for supplying water to root systems of seedlings and energy efficiency of irrigation system solar batteries supplying compressor with energy. On the basis of the results obtained, we can justify the technology of deep root irrigation of forest seedlings during the first five to six years of their growth when planting shelterbelts on desertificated territories in water deficiency zones and arrangement of a water tank truck with water supply using solar energy. We can determine design and geometrical parameters of the irrigation system; calculate the power loss for the technological process, which will increase the labor productivity, reduce soil disturbance and costs for shelterbelt planting.AuthorsS.N. Orlovskiy, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate ProfessorAffiliationKrasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, pr. Mira, 90, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation; e-mail: orlovskiysergey@mail.ruKeywordsdeep root irrigation, seedling, shelterbelt, irrigation technology, solar battery, compressor, machine capacityFor citationOrlovskiy S.N. Technology of Deep Root Irrigation of Forest Seedlings in Shelterbelts. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 3, pp. 92–102. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.92References1. Bodrov V.A. Lesnaya melioratsiya [Forest Reclamation]. Moscow; Leningrad, Goslesbumizdat Publ., 1952. 270 p. (In Russ.)2. Gerasimov M.I., Kukhar I.V. 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