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G.V. Davydova, I.V. Laskin Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.3MB )UDС630*571.53DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.65AbstractThe main goal of the forest policy is the conservation of forest resources, their rational use and sustainable management. One of the directions is to maintain a balance between disposal and recovery of forest areas. This balance is considered by the example of the Irkutsk region in the period from 1946 to 2016. Its features are revealed; the most significant factors affecting the conservation of areas occupied by forest stands are analyzed; a balance between disposal and recovery of forests is calculated. The fact of reduction of areas occupied by forest stands is established. The forecast of the average annual areas of logging and reforestation is obtained, which makes it possible to apply reasonably management decisions to determine the required volume of reforestation for the planned period. The ratio of the fund and the areas of reforestation is calculated, which clarifies the balance between them. In the Irkutsk region we observe not only deforestation but also forest degradation, deterio-ration of the species composition, decrease in the growing stock and in biological productivity, death of the undergrowth, reduction of the species diversity of forest ecosystems and simplification of their structure. In the region, as in Russia as a whole, the traditional man-agement policy is maintained, when the state actively stimulates investments in agriculture, industry, thereby destroying forest areas. Accumulated areas of deforestation require a radical change in attitude towards the problem of recovery. In order to maintain a balance between the disposal and recovery of forests, the paper proposes to plan reforestation for the next period based on the size of areas of felling and passed by fires in the reporting period, taking into account the time lag. The data obtained allow us to conclude about the need to increase the amount of artificial reforestation in the Irkutsk region in order to improve the quality of forests and balance between disposal and recovery of forest areas.AuthorsG.V. Davydova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, ProfessorI.V. Laskin, Master AffiliationBaikal State University, ul. Lenina, 11, Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation; e-mail:, liv.69@rambler.ruKeywordsdisposal, felling, reforestation, forest land, balance, deforestation, forest fireFor citationDavydova G.V., Laskin I.V. Forests of the Irkutsk Region: is there a Balance between Disposal and Recovery? Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 3, pp. 65–76. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.65References1. Vashchuk L.N. V Irkutskoy oblasti neobkhodimo inventarizirovat' lesa, usilit' ikh okhranu i masshtabnee zanimat'sya lesovosstanovleniem [It is Necessary to Inventory Forests, Strengthen Their Protection and Scale up Reforestation in the Irkutsk Region]. 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