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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Study of Optimal Bundling Methods of Round Timber

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P.N. Perfil'ev 

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According to the estimation of the United Nations, the forested area in the Russian Federation is 8.5 million km2. Due to the available sufficient reserves of forest resources, the enterprises of the timber industry have been significantly developed. In the conditions of modern competitive economy, the timber industry enterprises for the purpose of their further development are forced to maintain the investment activity at a high level, to optimize technological processes and to modernize the production equipment. The article analyzes the investment projects of the largest enterprises of the forest industry of the Arkhangelsk region (AO “Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill”, ZAO “Sawmill 25”). The factors of cost reduction of raw materials for processing enterprises of the forest complex, a comparison of the types of transportation of round timber and the dynamics of timber supply on the example of enterprises of the Arkhangelsk region are considered. Currently, the estimated cutting area in the Arkhangelsk region is just over 20 mln m3. The volume of logging is only half of the allowable cut. The main reason is the insufficient development of the road network necessary for the export of harvested wood. This has led to the fact that the allocated timber-cutting fund is geographically uneven and tends to places with timber roads. The road network needs to be expanded that is extremely difficult in modern economic conditions. The author proposes to develop the river timber transportation. The most economically feasible method is the raft of forest transport units. Currently, small and medium-sized rivers are hardly used due to small dimensions of a floating route. In order to integrate them into the logistics of transport processes, it is necessary to modernize the existing technologies of round wood bundling. The article analyzes the modern development of structures of float units suitable for rafting in limited dimensions of a floating route, considers the main scientific research results to determine the hydrodynamic and inertial characteristics of rafting and forest transport units, presents the results of mathematical planning and classical study of hydrodynamic characteristics of flat rafts.


P.N. Perfil'ev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Northern (Arctic) 


Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163021, Russian Federation; е-mail: 


investment, rafting, rafting sinkage, flat raft, experiment, flow resistance, drag coefficient, floating technology

For citation

Perfil'ev P.N. Study of Optimal Bundling Methods of Round Timber. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 2, pp. 77–87. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.2.77


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Received on September 27, 2017

Study of Optimal Bundling Methods of Round Timber


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