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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Multi-Year Dynamics of Green-Moss Pine Forests in the Zone of Indirect Influence of the Reservoir

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A.K. Mukhin

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The paper presents the study results of multi-year dynamics of forests of the Darwin Reserve, influenced by the Rybinsk Reservoir under the conditions of the changed natural environment. The reservoir is a powerful ecological factor, which implies the need to study the state of coastal ecosystems. The tendencies and patterns of their dynamics have been poorly studied. Investigations of forests growing under conditions of long-term influence of the reservoir are based on the principles of dynamic typology, which have been well tested by I.S. Melekhov in studying the early stages of life of anthropogenic forests. For the first time, we have obtained data for mature and overmature forests. They introduce significant changes in the concept of sustainability of the forest type in the stage of a mature forest stand, or the formed type of forest. The object of research is berry green-moss pine forest, growing on the low ridge among swamp sphagnum forests in the zone of indirect influence of the reservoir. The research objective is to demonstrate the accelerated processes of forest growth and development in the conditions of the changed natural environment. The method of procedure consists in a detailed description and analysis of all components of the phytocenosis. We pay special attention to the stand both as an edificator of the forest type and live ground cover and as an indicator of soil and hydrological conditions. On the basis of materials obtained over a 70-year period and in terms of dynamic typology we have come to a conclusion to consider a berry green-moss pine forest as a stage of relatively accelerated formation of a new forest type ‒ a bilberry green-moss pine forest. This type has a tendency to change pine by spruce in a new generation and the development of a bogging process. These conclusions, confirming the provisions of I.S. Melekhov’s dynamic typology, are important for forest science and practice when conducting monitoring studies in the reserve.


A.K. Mukhin, Research Officer


Darwin State Nature Biosphere Reserve, 44, Borok, Cherepovets District, Vologda region, 162723, Russian Federation; е-mail:


zone of direct and indirect influence of the reservoir, dynamic forest typology, bogging, ground water

For citation

Mukhin A.K. Multi-Year Dynamics of Green-Moss Pine Forests in the Zone of Indirect Influence of the Reservoir. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 1, pp. 37–46. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.1.37


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Received on May 26, 2017

Multi-Year Dynamics of Green-Moss Pine Forests in the Zone of Indirect Influence of the Reservoir


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