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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Production of Thermal Insulating Materials on the Basis of the Secondary Cellulose Fiber

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S.G. Luchinkin, V.A. Kozhukhov, Yu.D. Alashkevich

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The principal direction of production development of building materials is materials providing a saving of energy resources, including reduction of heat losses through enclosing structures of buildings, constructions and technological equipment. The majority of insulation materials have a number of drawbacks, such as a low thermal resistance and increased combustibility, the presence of hazardous components polluting the environment. The problems of waste disposal in the production and operation of materials and high-energy consumption for their production are relevant. The urgency of the research is the development of an effective material with the necessary heat insulating and performance properties on the basis of the secondary cellulose fiber; and the creation of an energy-saving technology of production of non-combustible thermal insulating and soundproof materials. The goal of research is to develop a manufacturing technology of such material based on shredded paper waste and non-combustible fillers, boric acid and borax. On the basis of the results of the study we propose a new technological scheme of production of cellulose insulation with the 3-step crushing system with double air stretching and fluffing of fibers, allowing us to obtain a material with reduced density and increased energy efficiency. The main operational characteristics of the new material (coefficients of thermal conductivity and vapor permeability, sorption and sorption equilibrium humidity, hydrogen index) are determined experimentally. The research results demonstrate an improvement of the majority of thermophysical parameters of the cellulose thermal insulating and soundproof material in comparison with the known analogs and can be used in the design and construction of industrial and residential buildings and structures.


S.G. Luchinkin, Postgraduate Student
V.A. Kozhukhov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Yu.D. Alashkevich, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Resh-etnev, pr. Mira, 82, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation; е-mail:


cellulosic material, heat insulating material, beating, heat and sound insulation, thermal conductivity, sorption humidity

For citation

Luchinkin S.G., Kozhukhov V.A., Alashkevich Yu.D. Production of Thermal Insulating Materials on the Basis of the Secondary Cellulose Fiber. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 6, pp. 151–159. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.6.151


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Received on September 16, 2017

Production of Thermal Insulating Materials on the Basis of the Secondary Cellulose Fiber


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