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Lesnoy Zhurnal

A Study of Cutter Wear Rate for Wood-Based Materials Processing

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E.A. Pamfilov,E.V. Sheveleva

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Technical and economic efficiency in the use of woodcutting tools and the quality of products are largely determined by a set of operating characteristics of working surface layers of tools under consideration, including wear resistance. We note a significant variety of realized wear mechanisms, both in terms of their qualitative nature (gradual wear of surfaces forming the cutting edges, microchipping and chipping of the cutting blade), and the features of wear products formation. Wood-cutting tools wear is the result of mechanical, electroerosive, chemical, electrochemical and other effects. The synergism effect of the mechanical and chemical components of the wear process when their mutual influence increases the degree of manifestation of each of the observed mechanisms is the aggravating feature of surface destruction. With such a multifaceted operational impact, the wear resistance of tools is largely due to the physico-chemical properties of materials used for their manufacture, the type and regimes of hardening used, and the nature of the external influences during operation. In this regard, in order to ensure the proper wear resistance of tools, we should solve complex problems of improving their design, a sound choice of tool materials and methods for their strengthening treatment. The most important aspect of solving these problems is the experimental verification of the decisions expediency, for which the methods of wear tests that allow obtaining reliable results for various operating conditions should be developed or chosen. The choice of research methods is directly related to the nature of types of wood processing, wear mechanisms of certain wood-cutting tools. We should take into account the fact that these mechanisms can vary both in the process of a single cut, and in the process of tool dulling.


E.A. Pamfilov1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor E.V. Sheveleva2, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor


1Bryansk State Technical University, bul. 50-letiya Oktyabrya, 7, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2Bryansk State Engineering Technological University, pr. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; e-mail:


wood conversion, tool, test, wear resistance, wear, physicochemical property, synergism, operational parameter, integrity, simulation, efficiency

For citation

Pamfilov E.A., Sheveleva E.V. A Study of Cutter Wear Rate for Wood-Based Materials Processing. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 6, pp. 89–103. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.6.89


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Received on January 11, 2017

A Study of Cutter Wear Rate for Wood-Based Materials Processing


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