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A.A. Tambi, I.V. Grigor'ev, O.A. Kunitskaya Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.6MB )UDС634.0.31:674.093DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.6.76AbstractAt present, the CTL technology of wood harvesting predominates in the Russian Federation, accounting for more than 70 % of the total volume. This is largely due to the traffic ban for timber carriers with tree lengths on highways. Logging enterprises do not make profit when constructing special forest roads without state support; so the volume of timber hauling has significantly decreased. In addition, due to the depletion of available forest tracts, the hauling distance of harvested wood often exceeds 250 km. This increases the transport component of the cost of harvested wood and reduces the economic efficiency of logging enterprises activity. It is especially not advantageous to transport loads with a low stacking factor and in terms of future finished products or semi-finished products, i.e., after deduction of the amount of waste that will be subsequently produced when processing wood. The paper presents the studies performed by the high-level review method of the account costs for round-wood harvesting determining the value of sawlogs, veneer logs and pulpwood. The forest harvesting operation under existing conditions can effectively sell commercial timber with a hauling distance not exceeding 65 km; at a hauling distance of 250 km, the share of transportation costs in the cost of round timber is 47 %. This is a determining factor in assessing the profitability of investment projects of the lumber factories. An increase in the timber harvesting volume providing modern sawmills by raw materials in the absence of construction of new addedvalue wood processing enterprises requires the creation of intermediate specialized timber terminals that ensure the production of sawn timber and pulpwood blanks.AuthorsA.A. Tambi, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate ProfessorI.V. Grigor'ev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor O.A. Kunitskaya, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor AffiliationYakut State Agricultural Academy, Sergelyakhskoe sh., Tretiy kilometr, 3, Yakutsk, 677007, Russian Federation; е-mail:,, ola.ola07@mail.ruKeywordssemi-subsistence wood, sawmill plant, timber terminal, economic efficiency of loggingFor citationTambi A.A., Grigor’ev I.V., Kunitskaya O.A. The Rationale for Implementation of Industrial Sawmilling Processes in the Logging Industry. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 6, pp. 76–88. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.6.76References1. 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