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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Wood Density of Scots Pine in Different Growth Conditions

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O.N. Tyukavina, D.N. Klevtsov, I.I. Drozdov, V.I. Melekhov

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Wood density is a quality indicator of wood raw materials, depending both on morphological and anatomical characteristics of trees, and on ecological conditions of their growth. The goal of research is to study the conventional pinewood density in various sites and to reveal the dependence of this indicator on its anatomical characteristics. We establish permanent sample plots in pine plantations of the Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and Verkhnyaya Toyma forest districts of the Arkhangelsk region. The conventional wood density is determined by the method of maximum humidity of samples of a relatively small volume. The conventional pinewood density in the northern taiga subzone is 0.340…0.580 g/cm3, it is lower by 7...22 % in the middle subzone in pine myrtillus forests, and in mires - by 24 %. We mark a high strength of relationship of conventional pinewood density and the radial increment and age of plantation under different growth conditions according to the averaged values. However, at the tree or plantation level, we do not observe any correlation between these indicators, but a moderate strength of relationship between this indicator and the latewood percent. The authors establish a curvilinear correlation from moderate to significant between the thickness of walls of tracheids, lumen diameter, number of rows of early and late tracheids and conventional pinewood density; and only with the resin channels diameter it is high. We can describe the change in conventional density in the transverse direction of pine trunk by the following models: the model 1 is characterized by a decrease in the conventional density in the middle part of the trunk radius; the model 2 - by its increase in the middle part of the trunk radius; the model 3 - by an increase in the conventional density from pith to bark; the model 4 - by its decrease. The model 2 is the most frequent. We do not reveal the dependence of the model type on the tree morphometric characteristics. The highest conventional wood density in the central part of the trunk is typical for the majority (more than 67 %) of pine trees growing in line plantings and in mires.


O.N. Tyukavina1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
D.N. Klevtsov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
I.I. Drozdov2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
V.I. Melekhov1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:
2Mytishchi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Pervaya Institutskaya ul., 1, Mytishchi, Moscow oblast, 141005, Russian Federation; ph.: +7 (498) 687-38-88


conventional wood density, radial increment, latewood percent, tracheid, model

For citation

Tyukavina O.N., Klevtsov D.N., Drozdov I.I., Melekhov V.I. Wood Density of Scots Pine in Different Growth Conditions. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 6, pp. 56–64. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.6.56


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Received on May 18, 2017

Wood Density of Scots Pine in Different Growth Conditions


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