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А.М. Pastukhova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС630*232.311.3DOI:DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.5.73AbstractThe available literary evidence points to different understanding of the selection expediency according to the growth rate at the early ontogenesis stages of coniferous species and further using of such planting material for silvicultural production. For the first time in the conditions of the south of Central Siberia we carried out growth investigations of the 2nd generation of Siberian cedar seed offspring of different geographic origin, of forms over the 11-year observation period from the time of seeds germination and after bedding plants. The goal of research was the detection of variability within the growth indicators of Siberian cedar half-sibs in the course of time; determination of prospects of selection of families for the growth rate and their application in the development of crops. The target of research was a half-sib offspring of Siberian cedar in test cultures of the Krasnoyarsk suburban zone belonging to the Central Siberian subboreal forest steppe area according to the forest site zoning. The families were raised from seed harvested in 2003 in plantation crops, located in the same forest site conditions. That year was characterized by low yield of cedar seeds, which affected the number of families and the number of specimens in them. The half-sibs were planted at the age of 7 in several replications located randomized on the site. The materials were processing using the SSPS statistical program. The patterns of change in the variation level with respect to the rate of half-sib growth and the length of bundle needles were noted. The height variability level increased with age, whereas the variability level of the needle length remained stably high for the entire observation period. In most Siberian cedar fami-lies under the age of 6, the growth pattern could change. The proportion of families with stable growth rates increased from 7 years of age. Transplantation to a permanent place reduced the proportion of such families by 26.7 %, but with a tendency to reduce this gap. The model describing the dependence of height on a stipitate diameter and the age over the entire observation period was obtained (R2 = 0.888). The link between the needle length, height and diameter of a stipitate was noted (r = 0.519 and r = 0.502), and with the age (r = 0.705). In the early stages of ontogenesis, we could observe families stably retaining their growth regardless of external factors. After transplantation, fast- and slow-growing seed offspring retained their growth pattern for the 2nd and 4th year after transplantation. We selected families that had a high growth rate and quick recovery after transplantation (taking into account the needle size before and after transplantation).AuthorsА.М. Pastukhova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate ProfessorAffiliationSiberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, pr. Imeni Gazety “Krasnoyarskiy rabochiy”, 31, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation; e-mail: past7@rambler.ruKeywordsgrowth rates, variability, half-sib, selection, correlation, Siberian cedarReferences1. Bondarenko A.S., Zhigunov A.V. Geneticheskaya obuslovlennost' skorosti rosta eli evropeyskoy v kul'ture [Genetic Conditionality of the European Spruce Growth Rate in Culture]. Lesovedenie [Russian Journal of Forest Science], 2007, no. 1, pp. 42–48.2. Bratilova N.P., Oreshenko S.A. Rost seyantsev sosny kedrovoy sibirskoy razlichnogo geograficheskogo proiskhozhdeniya [Seedlings Growth of Siberian Cedar Pine of Var-ious Geographical Origin]. 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