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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Obtaining of Activated Carbons by Pyrolysis of Hidrolytic Lignin

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K.A. Romanenko, N.I. Bogdanovich, A.V. Kanarskiy

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The active industrial development has led to a largescale accumulation of solid wastes, which has become a serious factor of environmental pollution. In this regard, humanity faces a very important problem of utilization of these wastes and the associated task of rational consumption of raw materials. Management of the processes of formation, accumulation and processing of waste is the most important link in ensuring environmental safety that affects the economic and social development of all regions. The accumulation of waste has a significant impact on the state of natural complexes, public health. Sometimes, this fact is the main feature of territories to be considered as environmental emergency zones. The branches of chemical addedvalue wood processing (wood chemical and pulp and paper industries) differ by a low coefficient of the use of raw material; so they are classified as the most aggressive environmental offending enterprises. As a result of the longterm activity of such facilities, environmental pollution has recently acquired the character of a biosphere process, has become an urgent problem. One of the most common industrial wood wastes is hydrolyzed lignin. Despite its suitability for processing into useful products, it is almost complete-ly exported into disposal areas. Hydrolytic lignin, having high acidity, is resistant to contamination, which makes its natural decomposition difficult. At the same time, it acidifies the soil, surface and groundwater, and pollutes the air basin. Over 2 million tons of lignin are located in the dumps of hydrolysis enterprises. Many proposed solutions for the hydrolytic lignin processing have not found wide industrial application. The most common method of its utilization is irrational combustion in boiler furnaces. Taking into account the urgency of utilization of secondary resources of chemical addedvalue wood processing, we formulate the work objective as the obtaining of carbon adsorbents from hydrolytic lignin. We have chosen a thermochemical activation method with the use of potassium hydroxide. In the course of the experiment, we have studied the influence of technological parameters on the yield and properties of the obtained activated carbon.


K.A. Romanenko1, Postgraduate Student
N.I. Bogdanovich1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
A.V. Kanarskiy2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:,
2Kazan National Research Technological University, ul. Karla Marksa, 68, Kazan, 420015, Russian Federation; e-mail:


accumulation of waste, added-value wood processing, waste reclamation, hydro-lytic lignin, activated carbon, pyrolysis.

For citation

Romanenko K.A., Bogdanovich N.I., Kanarskiy A.V. Obtaining of Activated Carbons by Pyrolysis of Hidrolytic Lignin. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 4, pp. 162–171. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.4.162


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Received on January 30, 2017

Obtaining of Activated Carbons by Pyrolysis of Hidrolytic Lignin


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