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Yu.V. Maksimuk, D.A. Ponomarev, V.N. Kursevich, V.V. Fes’ko Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.9MB )UDС662.63DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.4.116AbstractWood biomass is a natural resource of the multi-purpose use. Wood pellets and briquettes pro-duced from waste products of wood processing are characterized by high energy intensity and are most demanded as solid biofuel. The calorific value is a control parameter of fuel quality and a basic criterion for assessing its energy efficiency. The paper presents the test results for 57 various samples (including 18 samples of pellets and 13 samples of briquettes) of wood fuel from coniferous and deciduous species from 6 areas of Belarus and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. For all samples the moisture content, ash content (at a temperature of 800 °С) and calorific value measured in bomb isoperibolic calorimeters are determined. The experimental values of the highest calorific value in terms of BDH are (mJ/kg): 19.40…21.20 ? for wood with natural bark content; 18.9...23.6 ? for bark; 20.8±0,5 ? for coniferous species (including pine ? 20.90±0.30); 20.0±0.7 ? for hardwood (including alder and aspen ? 19.90±1.00; for birch bark ? 23.6). The analysis of literature and experimental data allows us to recommend the gross CV values for wood fuel of unknown origin – 19.8 (with an accuracy of ±10 % and probability of 95 %); for fuels from deciduous and coniferous species – 19.6 and 20.5, respec-tively (with an accuracy of ±5 %). The use of the recommended values for the energy efficien-cy assessment of non-purified types of wood fuel (firewood, chips) with a water content of 30 % and more is most justified. The error of such estimate for fuel in operating condition compared with the error of the BDH recommended values is proportionally reduced with the increasing of water content in fuel. The maximum error of the experimental determination of calorific value for wood fuel is ±1,5 % at probability of 95 %. The expediency of calculation procedures for calorific value estimating by composition (ultimate, blend, etc.) is defined by the discrepancy between the calculated and experimental values, which, in our opinion, for wood fuel should not exceed 2.5 %, with a probability of 90 %.AuthorsYu.V. Maksimuk1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor D.A. Ponomarev2, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor V.N. Kursevich1, Research Officer V.V. Fes’ko1, Research AssistantAffiliation1Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University, ul. Leningradskaya, 14, Minsk, 220030, Belarus; е-mail: maksimuk@bsu.by2Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy per., 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation, е-mail: dponо Keywordshigher calorific value, wood fuel, energy efficiency assessment, wood pellet and briquette, non-purified fuel type.For citationMaksimuk Yu.V., Ponomarev D.A., Kursevich V.N., Fes’ko V.V. Calorific Value of Wood Fuel. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 4, pp. 116–129. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.4.116References1. Aseeva R.M., Serkov B.B., Sivenkov A.B. Gorenie drevesiny i ee pozharoopasnye svoystva: monogr. [Combustion of Wood and Its Fire-Hazardous Properties]. Мoscow, 2010. 262 p.2. Belosel'skiy B.S., Baryshev V.I. Nizkosortnye energeticheskie topliva: osobennosti podgotovki i szhiganiya [Low-Grade Energy Fuels: Features of Preparation and Сombustion]. Moscow, 1989. 136 p. 3. Borovikov A.M., Ugolev B.N. Spravochnik po drevesine [Handbook of Wood]. Мoscow, 1989. 296 p. 4. Vorob'ev L.I., Grishchenko T.G., Dekusha L.V. 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