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O.I. Gavrilova, K.A. Pak, I.V. Morozova, A.L. Yur'eva Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС630*232.42DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.4.23AbstractThe article discusses the growth of pine plantations established by planting material of containerized tree seedlings on mechanically treated soil of cutting and uncultivated soil. The forest trials were established in the framework of the international project “Taiga – Model Forest”by the members of the Petrozavodsk State University and the Forestry Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The cultures were created in the old overgrown felling of the vaccinium type pine forest on iron podzol loamy sands underlain by moraine. Soil stoniness was high. The forest trials were established by one-year-old ball-rooted seedlings and standard two-year ball-rooted seedlings. We examined cultures cultivated by sowing. The survival rate, safety, stem height, trunk diameter, current height increment, development of root systems were being studied for 14 years. The maximum values of indicators (survival rate for the lst year ? 100 %, safety for the 14th year ? 82 %, average height of plantations ? 5.24 cm, average trunk diameter ? 8.0 cm) were noted for cultures from ball-rooted seedlings created on the treated soil. Excavations of root systems of forest cultures showed the absence of the express major root as well as the weaker roots development of all orders of plants planted in uncultivated soil. Based on 14-year observations of the pine cultures growth and analysis of the obtained results we concluded about the higher growth rates of crops from this type of planting material and the need for mandatory soil treatment when creating crops from ball-rooted seedlings in the green-moss types of forests. After the cowberry groves cutting, pine seeds started active growth later, but they had the same growth indicators as the crops from the standard planting material. AuthorsO.I. Gavrilova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor K.A. Pak2, Project and Program Development Officer I.V. Morozova1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor A.L. Yur'eva1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate ProfessorAffiliation1Petrozavodsk State University, pr. Lenina, 33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation; e-mail:,, a_yureva@mail.ru2Karellesproject ? Karelian branch of FSUE “Roslesinforg”, ul. Dzerzhinskogo, 9, Petrozavodsk, 185035, Russian Federation; е-mail: Keywordsseedling, crop, planting, pine, ball-rooted planting material, root system, felling, Republic of Karelia.For citationGavrilova O.I., Pak K.A., Morozova I.V., Yur'eva A.L. Formation of Artificial Pine Stands in the Karelian Taiga Zone. 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