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Z.N. Markina Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.9MB )UDС630*5:504.054:620.267DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.3.85AbstractThe radioecological situation on the territory of the Bryansk region, especially in the South-Western areas, as a result of the Chernobyl accident, is still remains difficult and unfavorable for people's life and activity. The situation has not been stabilized completely in this zone. Large areas of forest lands (more than 42 % (493.9 thousand hectares) of the region's forest fund) are contaminated with radionuclides, which has led to significant changes in the conditions of management. The priority directions of rehabilitation of territories contaminated by radioactive fallout are afforestation and reforestation. In this regard, the evaluation of the soil characteristics in felling, burned areas and unused agricultural lands and the identification of specific features of radionuclide behavior in the forest plantations allow us to make the right choice of technology for the creation of forest cultures that ensures the radiation and environmental safety, as well as the forestry and economic efficiency. The research aimed to finding promising technologies for the creation of forest cultures in different categories of lands contaminated with radionuclides, based on an assessment of the forest-growing properties of soils and the specific behavior of radionuclides in forest plantations, is timely and relevant. The goal of research is to study the peculiarities of Scotch pine growing in the coniferous-deciduous forest zone and to develop the promising technologies for their creation in various categories of lands contaminated with radionuclides. In the conditions of radioactive contamination on sod-podzolic sandy soils of different degrees of gleization and presence of podsol in felling, burnt areas and agricultural lands, the relationship between the silvicultural soil characteristics and the biometric indicators of Scots pine is first established. The results of the work allow expanding the scientific base in the field of radioecological monitoring in different categories of forest lands contaminated with radionuclides. The obtained data confirm the close relationship of soil-ecological conditions with biometric indicators of Scots pine, regardless of the category of lands, and can be used in the development of promising technologies for the creation of forest cultures. The reliability of the study results is confirmed by a sufficient amount of experimental material collected and processed with the use of modern statistical methods. Monitoring of the radioecological situation in forests and the assessment of soil and ecological conditions allow us to solve the issues of the safe forestry management in an integrated manner. AuthorsZ.N. Markina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, ProfessorAffiliationBryansk State Engineering Technological Academy, pr. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bryansk,241037, Russian Federation; е-mail: KeywordsScotch pine, land use category, silvicultural soil characteristic, biometric indicator, forest soil property, radioactive contamination.For citationMarkina Z.N. Forest Soil Characteristics and Their Impact on the Growth of Pine Plantations Under Radioactive Contamination in the Bryansk Region. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 3, pp. 85–99. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.3.85References1. Alyab'ev A.F., Prokazin N.E. 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