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Paper Sheet Texture Simulation
I.V. Lebedev, Ya.V. Kazakov
This paper describes an algorithm for creating a mathematical model of the paper sheet texture having the same properties as the real paper material. This allows us to analyze and predict its properties. Three main stages of creating of this model are presented. The distribution parameters of basic fiber geometric characteristics (length, width, curvature) are determined
with the use of the experimental data in the first stage. Based on these identified parameters and dependencies for each simulated fiber its geometric characteristics are calculated. The next step is the modeling of individual fibers. It includes the calculation of a trajectory
of fibers, the cross-section calculation and three-dimensional representation of each fiber based on the identified dependencies in the previous step. In the third stage the obtained models of the individual cellulose fibers are stacked into a single fibrous mesh of a given area to form a paper sheet 3D-model. The fiber bending in space is realized by the
mathematical morphology operations and the parameters of the starting crude. The proposed algorithm of creating the three-dimensional model of a paper sheet is implemented using the application software, that allows obtaining a visual model of a paper sheet and analyzing and predicting of the pulp and paper properties without the use of the extensive instrumental
and experimental base.
I.V. Lebedev, Postgraduate Student
Ya.V. Kazakov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of Department
Keywordscellulose fiber, simulation paper sheet texture
For citation
Lebedev I.V., Kazakov Ya.V. Paper Sheet Texture Simulation. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp.160–172. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.2.160
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Paper Sheet Texture Simulation
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