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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Rational Cutting Technology with Mini Tractors Log SkiddingUnder the Forest Canopy

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E.F. Gerts, N.N. Terinov, Yu.N. Bezgina, A.F. Urazova, T.A. Perepechina

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The formation of the skidding trail system when thinning and selective cuttings of mature and over-mature forest stands reduces the performance of stands as a result of the corridors cutting and mechanical deformation of soil in the process of moving of the skidding equipment. Reducing the density of the skidding trails in the selection thinning of forest stands is
reached by timber skidding to the runways by mini tractors working under the forest stand canopy. This is provided by dimensions and maneuverability of mini tractors corresponding to the density of the forest stands. The possibility and feasibility of mini tractors should be
defined taking into account the environmental, social and economic criteria. The one-hour efficiency is considered as the most informative criterion for assessing the skidding mini tractor effectiveness when selecting the schemes of its moving. Its maximum under otherwise equal conditions is reached in the formation of a full load and minimum value of idling. The schemes of the mini tractor moving between skidding trails in cutting strip, of shuttle runs, parallel and perpendicular to the skidding trails in cutting strip are considered as the variants of mini tractor moving under the canopy of the forest stand. A limitation on the use of schemes is the maneuvering steepness at the given dimensions of mini tractors, skidding timber length and density of the stand. Recommendations for the use of the moving
schemes take into account the ratio of weight-carrying capacity of the mini tractor, largescale cutting trees and the possibility of forming of full-load package with a minimum displacement distance.


E.F. Gerts, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor N.N. Terinov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Yu.N. Bezgina, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor A.F. Urazova, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor T.A. Perepechina, Postgraduate Student


Ural State Forest Engineering University, Sibirskiy trakt, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620100,Russian Federation; e-mail:,,,


log skidding without running trails, rational displacement route, performance, mini tractor

For citation

Gerts E.F., Terinov N.N., Bezgina Yu.N., Urazova A.F., Perepechina T.A. Rational Cutting Technology with Mini Tractors Log Skidding Under the Forest Canopy. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp.119–129. 10.17238/issn0536- 1036.2017.2.119


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Rational Cutting Technology with Mini Tractors Log SkiddingUnder the Forest Canopy


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