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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Method of Operational Planning and Control of Logging Operations

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A.N. Zaikin, E.G. Ryzhikova, I.I. Teremkova

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The paper considers the features of operational planning and management of logging activities. It is almost impossible to choose the number of machines in a plant to make their performance in all operations similar. In order to reduce the ineffective time in the operating shifts of the lead machines we offer the operational planning – a calculation of modes of
machinery and equipment in individual operations, taking into account the maneuvering of the number of machines (by additional machines) or shift-working arrangements of the main machines. The operational management of logging activities – a monitoring for the compliance of regimes of machines and equipment in individual operations – we propose to
carry out in terms of operational, multi-level, technically and technologically transported interoperable reserves, calculated for the specific conditions of the cutting area development. As a rule, various types of machines are used in the logging activities; their working conditions are varied. The proposed method is implemented as a software on a personal computer. The program is created by the developed enlarged flowgraph. The automated solution of the problem should be developed in accordance with the organizational scheme. The basic elements of the scheme are the collection of the baseline information to solve the problem, filling in an order sheet, achievement and analysis of the decision results, the work organization of the plant on the basis of the received results. The article also analyzes the results of calculations and the process organization of a plant. In a
given instance due to the process organization according to the calculated modes the volume of production of a plant will increase by 49 %, if the additional equipment is enable in the lagging operations (felling and knotting). The increase in out-turn of machines reduces the
number of working days of machines in the felling area up to 30 % (depending on the volume of production); reduce the economical efficiency (operating costs, metal consumption, energy consumption, etc.); reduce the harmful effect of cars on the forest ecosystems by compromising the amount of toxic substances emitted with the exhaust gases; keep soils from being destroyed.


A.N. Zaikin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor E.G. Ryzhikova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer I.I. Teremkova, Lecturer


Bryansk State Engineering Technological University, pr. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bryansk,241037, Russian Federation; e-mail:,,


in-process reserve, additional machine, lagging operation, operational planning, operational control.

For citation

Zaikin A.N., Ryzhikova E.G., Teremkova I.I. Method of Operational Planning and Control of Logging Operations. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp. 107– 118. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.2.107


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Method of Operational Planning and Control of Logging Operations


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