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Prospective Assessment of Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) in the Landscaping of the City of Vologda
S.E. Gribov, A.A. Karbasnikov, E.B. Karbasnikova, S.A. Korchagov
UDC 630*11
Northern cities, as a rule, have poor species composition of dendroflora. The introduction of promising species is necessary to expand the range of urban flora. Siberian larch is one of the species, possible for urban planting. It passes the whole cycle of seasonal development during the warm period and complete it by the beginning of winter in terms of Vologda. The
period of germination is observed in the first half of May, when buds evocation. The beginning of shoot germination is closely connected with the air and soil temperature. The middle of June is characterized by the highest growth, when the average air temperature rises sharply, and sufficient amount of precipitation falls out. Plant growth ends at the accumulation of
the sum of positive temperatures of 1265.3 °C. In the studied conditions the Siberian larch shoots are not frosted up. By the beginning of the winter cold the plant has time to prepare for it (shoots growth stop, and they are lignified, the fruit ripens, the needles turn yellow and fall off). All adults of larch in the reproductive stage of ontogenesis in the conditions of Vologda
form cones with seeds. Fruiting is abundant in the parks, gardens and along the roads. Larch seeds have a very low germination and are considered as non-standard. The possibility of seed propagation is very low and requires additional measures to increase the seed germination (flotation, snow retention, treatment by the growth promoters). This reproductive
capacity decreases the rank of the species prospectiveness. Tree life conservancy, shoots ripening and shoot-forming capacity, high winter hardiness are characteristic for Siberian larch in conditions of Vologda. Taking into account all factors, Siberian larch is considered as a promising species for landscaping of Vologda.
S.E. Gribov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
A.A. Karbasnikov, Postgraduate Student
E.B. Karbasnikova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
S.A. Korchagov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, ul. Pankratova, 9a, bl. 7,Molochnoye, Vologda, 160555, Russian Federation;e-mail:,,,
KeywordsSiberian larch, landscaping, adaptation, reproductive characteristics, phenology
For citation
Gribov S.E., Karbasnikov A.A., Karbasnikova E.B., Korchagov S.A. Prospective Assessment of Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) in the Landscaping of the City of Vologda. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp. 95–106. 10.17238/issn0536-
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Prospective Assessment of Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) in the Landscaping of the City of Vologda
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