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The Trophic Effect of Moose (Alces alces L.) in the Mixed and Deciduous Young Stands of the Vologda Region in Summer
E.N. Pilipko
UDC 502.74:591.95
The successional changes under the influence of forest ungulates can be both positive and negative. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effect of the trophic activity of a moose as the largest phytophagan of the North-West of Russia on some hardy-shrub species in summer. The studies are conducted on felling of different time ranges during the period of their natural overgrowing. Mixed and deciduous young stands in felling of the age of 5…20 years are the most suitable habitat for moose because of the high quality of forage lands and a security factor. Depending on the visiting intensity at different time of the year the winter and summer habitats are distinguished. The most visited areas in summer are deciduous young stands in the 6- and 8-years old felling, in winter – mixed young forests in the 12-years old overgrown felling. Woody forage accounts for a smaller percentage in summer than in winter due to the addition of green biomass of hardy-shrub species and herbaceous vegetation into the animal balanced ration. Rowan, willow and aspen are the most preferred and damageable trees by moose. The most common types of young trees and shrubs damaging are tip breaking, stem shoot and bark browsing. A recovery rate is presented for every species, ages and tree damage degrees. Different species of willow (under the age of 8...12 years old) and aspen (4…6 years old) are the most rapidly adapting species to damaging. Plant damages resulting in death are detected in ash and aspen (mainly under 4 years old). Trophic activity of moose contributes to changing the composition of stands; as preferred and therefore damaged by the ungulate animals woody species are replaced much faster by the insignificant species in the moose diet. These species are mainly coniferous.
E.N. Pilipko, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, ul. Pankratova, 9a, bl. 7,Molochnoye, Vologda, 160555, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Keywordsmoose (Alces alces L.), woody forage, deciduous young stand, mixed youngstand, felling, recovery factor
For citation
Pilipko E.N. The Trophic Effect of Moose (Alces alces L.) in the Mixed and
Deciduous Young Stands of the Vologda Region in Summer. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp. 52–66. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.2.52
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The Trophic Effect of Moose (Alces alces L.) in the Mixed and Deciduous Young Stands of the Vologda Region in Summer
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