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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Effect of Birch Stand Cutting on Seed Production of Spruce of Preliminary Generation in the South Taiga

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N.A. Rybakova, M.V. Rubtsov

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The observational study on the permanent sample plots establishes the features of spruce seed productionin 15 and 29 years after a clear cutting of birch stands with the preservation of spruce undergrowth and in 29 years with the preservation of spruce in the second tier. For comparison (as a control) we use data of spruce seed production under the canopy of birch forests at the age of 70...75 and 90...105 years. The studies are carried out in the south taiga birch forests of the sorrel and myrtillus forest type group. The analysis of spruce seed production is given for a year, which is ranked by the highest grade of seeding. In felling with the preservation of undergrowth in 15 years after the removal of a birch tier the number of seed productive spruces increases almost 3-fold compared with the control, the total number of cones increases 5-fold, the mean number of cones on a tree – by 2.3 times, that indicates a significant increase of spruce seed production. 29 years after cutting as compared to the control the number of seed productive spruces increases by 7.4 times, the number of cones – by 27 times, the average number of cones on a tree – by 4 times. In the 29 year felling with the
preserved second tier of spruce (forest thinners) after birch cutting we observe a significant mortality. The number of seed productive spruces is 2.6 times less than in the clearings of the same age with the preservation of undergrowth, but 1.4 times more than the spruce seed production in the second tier of birch forests at the control. Seed productive spruces exceed an average height by 1.4–1.7 times, the average volume of crowns– by 2.8–5.7 times. These differences increase in proportion to the spruce growth in the clearings with the preservation of undergrowth and are especially noticeable in the spruce forests with the preservation of the second tier.


N.A. Rybakova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Officer M.V. Rubtsov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Sovetskaya, 21,Uspenskoe, Moscow region, 143030, Russian Federation; e-mail:


south taiga, birch stand, cutting with spruce preservation, spruce seed production.

For citation

Rybakova N.A., Rubtsov M.V. Effect of Birch Stand Cutting on Seed Production of Spruce of Preliminary Generation in the South Taiga. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp. 21–31. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.2.21


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Effect of Birch Stand Cutting on Seed Production of Spruce of Preliminary Generation in the South Taiga


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