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Selection of High Reproductive Siberian Cedar Trees in the Geographic Seed Plantation

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R.N. Matveeva, L.I. Milyutin, O.F. Butorova, N.P. Bratilova

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The major breeding direction of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) is the selection of populations and genotypes for the abundant yield and seed  uality. We analyzed the formation of cones and microstrobiles of Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) for a 32-year period (1983–2014) in a geographic seed plantation, established by 16-year-old seedlings planting. The analysis is conducted on the basis of geographical origin of parent populations and individual characteristics of genotypes of individual trees. Shelter woods differ by geographical origin (from 50°12- up to 61°00? N, from 85°33- up to 90°36- E), high-altitude zones (from 100 to 1700 m above sea level), age classes (V–VII), forest types and composition. The cones formation in offspring of contrasting geographical origins (Biryusinsk (local), Altai, Yartsev, Leninogorsk) is compared. Biryusinsk and Altai offspring are marked by the occurrence of trees with early formation of cones. Slow reproductive development is observed in trees of mountain Leninogorsky origin. 4.9...26.7 % of trees of all origins have not entered into the reproductive stage of development by the age of 49 years. Initially, 1…3 cones are formed in the trees. Subsequently, their number increases on an average up to 13.5, 16.4, 17.9 and 18.0 pcs. in Leninogorsk, Yartsev, Altai and Biryusinsk variants, respectively, by the age of 50. The lowest number of cones is observed in offspring of Leninogorsk origin (mountainous region of Kazakhstan). The offspring of each origin manifests a considerable individual variability, which allows us to sel ect the individual trees, differing by the early, abundant formation of cones and shoots with miсrostrobiles. The trees of the same age, growing on the plantation in a good light, are differentiated into the fast growing trees and the trees with the early reproductive development; and these parameters do not correlate with each other. The number of productive trees (200 cones and more) depends on geographic origin and ranges fr om 11.6…37.0 % in different variants. We mark multi-cone bunch forms with 4-5 cones on a shoot. The selected trees can be used for vegetative reproduction and seed plantations creation, characterized by an increased seed production.


R.N. Matveeva1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
L.I. Milyutin2, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
O.F. Butorova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
N.P. Bratilova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


1Siberian State Technological University, pr. Mira, 82, Krasnoyarsk, 660049,Russian Federation; e-mail: selekcia@sibgtu.kts.ru2V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academyof Sciences, Akademgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation;е-mail:


Siberian cedar, plantation, geographical origin, selection, yield, cones, miсrostrobile.

For citation

Matveeva R.N., Milyutin L.I., Butorova O.F., Bratilova N.P. Selection of High Reproductive Siberian Cedar Trees in the Geographic Seed Plantation. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 2, pp. 9–20. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.2.9


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88. Received on April 20, 2016

Selection of High Reproductive Siberian Cedar Trees in the Geographic Seed Plantation


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