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E.S. Tyurmina, I.S. Il'ichev, A.B. Radbil', L.L. Semenycheva, M.A. Lazarev, E.A. Mavrina, A.A. Shalashova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС547.599.2DOI:DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.177AbstractThe plant raw material is a unique renewable natural complex of organic compounds. The proper use of all components of plant raw material offers great opportunities for the chemi-cal industry; so the problem of complex processing and rational use of wood chemical prod-ucts is particularly relevant at this time. Sulfate turpentine is a by-product in the sulphate and pulp manufacturing. It stands out from the blowdown during the chips steaming and from the digester of the sulphate and pulp production. Raw sulfate turpentine is produced according to the technic specifications 13-0281078-55–89. Due to the sharp odor associated with the presence of the sulfur compounds, it is not used efficiently and needs to be cleaned. Significant amounts of sulphate and pulp production and the possibility of desulfurization of sulfate turpentine allow us to consider turpentine as a major source of terpene compounds. At present, the task is to achieve such a degree of purification from the sulfur-containing compounds as to improve the quality of sulphate turpentine up to comparable spirit of tur-pentine. The literature describes various methods for desulfurization: chemical, physical and physicochemical. Raw turpentine of various manufacturers has an uneven composition of the sulfur content and the main constituent (?-pinene). In this connection, the development of methods for purification of raw turpentine at a particular raw material for the solution of the problem of the high quality recycling products obtaining is relevant. During the raw tur-pentine purification from sulfur-containing components the solutions of the following oxi-dants were tested: hydrogen peroxide, ammonium persulphate, sodium hydroxide and oth-ers. Turpentine purified by chemicals was subjected to rectification. The samples of total sulfur content of 100 ppm were obtained.AuthorsE.S. Tyurmina2, Candidate of Chemical Sciences I.S. Il'ichev 1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences A.B. Radbil' 1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences L.L. Semenycheva 2, Doctor of Chemical Sciences M.A. Lazarev 1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences E.A. Mavrina 2, Postgraduate Student A.A. Shalashova 2, Postgraduate StudentAffiliation1Management company of the Biochemical holding “Orgkhim”, Gagarina pr., 29d,Nizhny Novgorod, 603057, Russian Federation; e-mail: 2Research Institute of Сhemistry, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina pr., 29d, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation, e-mail: Keywordsturpentine, terpene hydrocarbons, sulfur-containing compound, hydrogen peroxide.For citationTyurmina E.S., Il’ichev I.S., Radbil’ A.B., Semenycheva L.L., Lazarev M.A., Mavrina E.A., Shalashova A.A. The Raw Sulfate Turpentine Purification from Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 1, pp. 177–185. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.177References1. Bogomolov B.D., Sapotnitskiy S.A., Sokolov O.M., Sokolova A.A., Filippov B.S., Mariev A.L., Tiranov P.L., Tret’yakov S.I., Novozhilov E.V., Gel’fand E.D., Selyanina L.I., Borisov G.V. 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