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S.V. Posypanov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС634.378DOI:DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.141AbstractThe use of proposed packaged bilevel rafting units creates prerequisites for efficient, envi-ronmentally friendly transportation of forest products along the minor and small rivers, for the use of water transport advantages even by the small logging companies. Geometric and strength parameters of these units depend on the geometric characteristics of their bundles, including the bundles being afloat. The known methods for determining these characteristics of rafting units in their current form do not provide the results with accuracy, acceptable to the scientific research, and cannot be applied to the bilevel rafting units. The closed equation system, focused on the numerical solution, for the accurate determination of the geometric parameters of a floating bundle is obtained with the use of the elastic theory from the para-metric equations of flexible shells filled with a granular medium. Its binding is considered as a combination of underwater and surface curves. Each of them is a fragment of non-inflective second order elasticity. The configuration of the combined shell is considered to be formed under the pressure of two immiscible types of a granular medium of different density. The boundary between the media passes over the water surface. Due to the unsatis-factory results of the analytical and graphical methods, the numerical method is applied. The algorithm for the exact geometric parameters determination of a float unit by the numerical method adjusted for bilevel rafting units is developed. It is implemented on PC. The calcula-tions by the developed algorithm for the factor ranges, encountered in practice, are carried out within the practical data span in the dimensionless form. Using the results of calcula-tions, we develop the approximating dependences, which in addition to the proposed numer-ical method, with the lower accuracy requirements can be used to determine the considered characteristics for theoretical investigations and practical activities. The reliability of the results is proved via the physical models experiments.AuthorsS.V. Posypanov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate ProfessorAffiliationNorthern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation;е-mail: Keywordstimber rafting, timber, bundle, float unit, elastic, geometric parameter, numerical methodFor citationPosypanov S.V. Numerical Determination of the Geometric Parameters of Transport Floating Roundwood Bundle. 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