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O.I. Antonov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.7MB )UDС630*64:630*24DOI:DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.86AbstractProperly organized forestry basically contains a concept of a forest growing cycle. The goal of this forestry is to produce high quality wood. In the properly built market forest relations the standing crop is a subject of sale. Under these conditions the forest management is capa-ble of producing income to the owner of the forests. Productivity and marketability of crops can be improved by regular, timely conducted, intensive thinning and application of mineral fertilizers; the quality of the formed timber can be improved by cutting branches of selected for further cultivation trees. These three silvicultural techniques are the comprehensive for-est care. Forest growing profitability is largely determined by thinning conducted in young and middle-aged stands. The main purpose of these thinning is to form the composition of cultivated crops, optimize the density and spatial distribution of trees. Commercial thinning allows commercial harvesting and earning extra income. The improvement of properties of manufactured wood can be achieved by multiple pruning. In the countries with developed forestry this approach is considered to be a necessary measure for thinning and almost clas-sic example of a profitable investment. 30-year study demonstrates the formation of high-quality branchless wood, which costs 4–10 times higher, as a result of the timely imple-mented three-stage pruning, carried out in combination with the regular thinning of the stands. When wood sawing the clean timber and timber assortments (sounding, aircraft) are obtained; when peeling or slicing the high-quality plywood veneer is produced. In this re-gard, pruning should be an obligatory measure as a means of long-term investments. Re-peated fertilizing of stands increases their productivity, which is observed for more than 10 years. Additional annual growth of wood is 1.5…2.0 m3/ha. The increasing of the actual soil fertility leads to the intense biocycling of fertilizer elements, acceleration of reconstructive processes in phytocenosis and its structural components.AuthorsO.I. Antonov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate ProfessorAffiliationSaint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy per., 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; e-mail: woodfm@mail.ruKeywordscomprehensive forest care, thinning, pruning, fertilizationt of stands, wood quali-ty, proper forestryFor citationAntonov O.I. Qualitative Productivization of Forest Stands is the Goal of Intensive Forestry. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 1, pp. 86–94. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.86References1. Antonov O.I. 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