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V.P. Sivakov, A.P. Panychev, I.A. Partin, I.K. Kashapov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС671.1.052.2DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.166AbstractThis paper investigates the influence of loading mode factors on the “chips–liquor” slurry deformation in the load circulation feeder of a digester. A power consumed by the high pressure pump is also consumed for the slurry deformation at loading. The experiment ob-jectives are: to establish a “chips–liquor” slurry deformation dependence, performed by the high-pressure pump in the feeder rotor channels of the digester load circulation; to obtain the equations and numerical values of the scales of similarity parameters for the slurry de-formation in the feeder rotor channels and an experimental model; to determine the power consumed by a high-pressure pump at the “chips–liquor” slurry deformation in the rotor channel of the load circulation feeder. We use the methods of the full factorial experiment and of similarity and dimensional analysis. On the basis of the methods of similarity and dimensional analysis we compile the design equations and determine numerical values of the following similarity scales of a standard feeder and a model: geometric, Poisson's ratio, strain energy and friction force, hydraulic radius, work of strain energy, velocity, loading time and deformation. The dependence of the slurry deformation during supply from the low-pressure zone to the high-pressure zone of load circulation is examined on a model. The relative deformation increases in proportion to the load time and pressure and is inversely proportional to a liquid module. The maximum power, consumed by the pump to deform raw material in the feeder rotor channel, is determined by the design parameters of the de-formation process. We should take into account the power consumption not only for the transportation of chips in the pipeline, but also for the slurry deformation in the load circula-tion feeder of a digester to calculate a high-pressure pump drive.AuthorsV.P. Sivakov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor A.P. Panychev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor I.A. Partin, Senior Lecturer I.K. Kashapov, Postgraduate StudentAffiliationUral State Forest Engineering University, Sibirskiy trakt, 37, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620100, Russian Federation; e-mail: metod@usfeu.ruKeywordspower, rotor, high-pressure feeder, slurry.For citationSivakov V.P., Panychev A.P., Partin I.A., Kashapov I.K. Driving Power of the Digester Load Circulation Pump for the Slurry Deformation in a Feeder. Lesnoy zhurnal (Forestry journal), 2016, no. 6, pp. 166–174. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.166References1. Kobayashi A.S. Handbook on Experimental Mechanics. US, New York, 1987. 1002 p. 2. Kashapov I.K., Partin I.A., Sivakov V.P. K voprosu o raschete moshchnosti privo-da nasosa vysokogo davleniya zagruzochnoy tsirkulyatsii varochnogo kotla [On the Driving Power Calculating of the High Pressure Pump of the Digester Load Circulation]. Perspek-tivy razvitiya tekhniki i tekhnologiy v tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy promyshlennosti: materialy II Vseros. otraslevoy nauch.-prakt. konf. [Prospects of Development of Techniques and Tech-nologies in the Pulp and Paper Industry: Proc. 2nd All-Russ. Sci. Prac. Ind. Conf.]. Perm, 2014. 297 p. 3. Malkov S.Yu. Modernizatsiya kotlov nepreryvnoy varki po tekhnologii Lo–SolidsTM [Modernization of Continuous Cookers by the Lo-SolidsTM Technology]. Tsel-lyuloza, bumaga i karton [Pulp. Paper. Board], 2004, no. 7, pp. 42–49. 4. Partin I.A., Sivakov V.P. Dinamicheskie protsessy v pitatele vysokogo davleniya pri vygruzke [Dynamic Processes in the High Pressure Feeder when Unloading]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2011, no. 1, pp. 117–125. 5. Sivakov V.P., Partin I.A. Kriterii podobiya modeli deformatsii suspenzii v pitatele vysokogo davleniya [Criteria of Similarity of a Deformation Model of Suspension in a High Pressure Feeder]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2013, no. 4, pp. 106–111. 6. Tordua G.A. Mashiny i apparaty tsellyuloznogo proizvodstva [Machines and De-vices of the Pulp Production]. Moscow, 1986. 440 p. 7. Gullichsen J., Sundqvist H. On the Importance of Impregnation and Chip Dimen-sions on the Homogeneity of Kraft Pulping. Proc. 1995 Pulping Conf. Chicago, 1995, pp. 227–234. 8. Malkov S., Tikka P., Kuzmin V., Baltakhinov V. Efficiency of Chip Presteaming – Result of Heating and Air Escape Processes. Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 2002, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 420–426. 9. Malkov S., Leavitt A., Stromberg B. Improved Understanding of Chip Steaming and Impregnation. Proc. Engineering, Pulping and PCE&I Conference. US, Atlanta, 2004. 10. Marcoccia B., Johanson J.R., Williams G., Bruce P. Proc. Pacific Paper’95. Canada, Vancouver B.C., 1995, pp. 8–14. Driving Power of the Digester Load Circulation Pump for the Slurry Deformation in a Feeder |
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