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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Morphological Features of the Fibrillar Structure of Plant and Bacterial Cellulose

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K.S. Bolotova, D.G. Chukhchin, L.V. Mayer, A.A. Gur'yanova

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The authors made a comparison of the micromorphological structure and obtained a statisti-cally significant size distribution of plant and bacterial cellulose microfibrils. Morphological features of the microfibrils structure were studied using a SEM Sigma VP ZEISS scanning electron microscope and an ACM Multimod 8 Bruker atomic-force microscope. The image informativity of the least degree of the microfibrils deformation was achieved by cleaving of the timber sample, which detected the individual fibrils or their bundles. We applied the hemicellulose hydrolysis by briefly heating the wood in the water up to temperature 164
of 235 °C to disclose the ligno-hemicellulosic matrix, distorting the image of wood microfi-brils in the pictures. Bacterial cellulose images were obtained without a prior sample prepa-ration. The cross-sectional dimensions of microfibrils did not depend on the cell wall layer, where they were localized, and were virtually the same for woody and herbaceous annual plants (with a mean of 27 nm for juniper). The cross-sectional size of microfibrils of bacte-rial cellulose was 34 nm at an average without a strict orientation of elements of the supra-molecular structure. It was also typical for one of the main structural parts of the plant cell wall – a primary wall. The bimodal nature of the size distribution curve of bacterial cellu-lose microfibrils demonstrated the microfibrils ability to the parallel placing. Taking into consideration the statistically close size distribution of cellulose microfibrils of plant and bacterial origin, and a similar crystal structure of the samples, we can assume the presence of identical stages of biosynthesis of the S2 layer in plants and bacterial cellulose.


K.S. Bolotova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor D.G. Chukhchin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor L.V. Mayer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Gur'yanova, Master


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation,


microfibril, bacterial cellulose, Acetobacter xylinum, scanning electron micro-scope, atomic-force microscope.

For citation

Bolotova K.S., Chukhchin D.G., Mayer L.V., Gur’yanova A.A. Morphological Features of the Fibrillar Structure of Plant and Bacterial Cellulose, Lesnoy zhurnal (Forestry journal), 2016, no. 6, pp. 153–165. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.153


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Received on July 07, 2016

Morphological Features of the Fibrillar Structure of Plant and Bacterial Cellulose


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