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S.V. Gavrilov, A.V. Kanarskiy, E.V. Skvortsov, Yu.V. Sevast'yanova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС552.577:676.01: 577.152.3DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.142AbstractIntegrated processing of peat is an important economic issue. The authors have obtained the iron chelates with humic acids by the electrochemical synthesis method. The acids are recommended for use as a feed additive. Due to the formation of the secondary resource – lignocellulose we have encountered a problem of the technology of its processing into the cost-effective products. Lignocellulose contains a large amount of pulp that makes it an attractive material for the biotechnological processing by microorganisms. However, lig-nocellulose contains lignin, which prevents the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose into simple sugars. This fact demands the ways of its pretreatment. Lignocellulose can be used as a nutrient substrate for the cultivation of filamentous fungi of the Trichoderma genus, since they are characterized by the expression of xylanase and cellulase activities, which promote the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose. The work objective is a definition of the enzyme activity in culture of the strain of filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei M18 in the nutrient solution based on peat lignocellulose. To enhance the enzymatic activity of filamentous fungus we injected a multi-enzymic complex comprising cellulase and xy-lanase enzymes and reducing agents into the nutrient solution with peat lignocellulose in a solid phase. Lignocellulose was also treated with sodium bisulfite in the experiments; lignin was dissolved and cellulose became more accessible for assimilating by fungus. The expediency of filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei M18 cultivation in the nutrient solution based on peat lignocellulose, pre-treated with sodium bisulfite, is established. The introduction of multi-enzymic complexes, containing cellulase and xylanase, into the nutrient solution based on lignocellulose, treated with sodium bisulfite, improves the en-zyme activity of Trichoderma reesei M18, which increases the protein and biomass syn-thesis. The pretreatment of peat lignocellulose by sodium bisulfite is recommended for the bioconversion by mycelial fungus Trichoderma reesei M18 with adsorbent of mycotoxins obtaining from biomass. The biomass of filamentous fungi Trichoderma reesei M18, grown on peat lignocellulose, is used to produce the adsorbents of mycotoxins, which successfully have been tested in vivo.AuthorsS.V. Gavrilov1, Postgraduate Student A.V. Kanarskiy1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor E.V. Skvortsov2, Сandidate of Biological Sciences Yu.V. Sevast'yanova3, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate ProfessorAffiliation1Kazan National Research Technological University, ul. K. Marksa, 72, Kazan, 420015, Russia Federation; e-mail: 2Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420000, Russian Federation; e-mail: eskvortsov@rambler.ru3Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia Federation; e-mail: Keywordspeat, lignocellulose, sodium bisulfite treatment, xylanase, cellulase, Trichoderma reesei M18 cultivation.For citationGavrilov S.V., Kanarskiy A.V., Skvortsov E.V., Sevast’yanova Yu.V. Enzy-matic Activity of Filamentous Fungus Trichoderma reesei M18 in Culture in the Nutrient Solution Based on Peat Lignocellulose. Lesnoy zhurnal (Forestry journal), 2016, no. 6, pp. 142–152. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.142References1. Gavrilov S.V., Kanarskaya Z.A. 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