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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Collection and Processing of Logging Residual and Firewood in a Felling Area

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K.L. Mikhaylov, V.A. Gushchin, A.M. Tarakanov

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The implementation of the global concept of sustainable environmental management in the forestry sector supposes an integrated system approach in the organization and management of economic activity under strict compliance with environmental requirements. The analysis of economic activities of logging companies of the European North of Russia revealed 16…22 % of unused wood waste from the total harvested and exported timber in the felling areas. Every year from 1.6 to 2.2 million cubic meters of logging residual and firewood, suitable for the further use as a fuel, remain in the cutting areas without using in the Ar-khangelsk region. As a result of the SWOT-analysis we revealed a promising direction of economic and commercial activities of the tenants of forest plots for logging: the collection and processing of logging waste on a plot for the production of wood chips and firewood. In addition, the collecting and recycling of raw materials meets silvicultural and fire protection requirements; clutter areas covered by logging are eliminated; the conditions for natural regeneration from seed sources left on the cutting area are improved; the fire risk and the emergence of forest pest centers are reduced. This paper is aimed to the realization of the subprogram “The forests use support” and “Reforestation” of the State рrogram of the Rus-sian Federation “Forestry Development for 2013–2020”, approved by the RF Government Decree no. 318 of 15 April 2014. These data correspond to the directions of the forest com-plex development, stated in the State Program “Development of the forest complex of the Arkhangelsk region for 2014–2020”. The work objective is to show the technological possi-bility and expediency of collecting and recycling of waste wood and firewood in the cutting areas into biofuel. According to the results of the field research we identified the resources of the expected logging residues. The calculation of the economic effectiveness of collecting and processing of logging residual in a plot for the production of wood chips and firewood with the use of modern equipment is made. The results of the marketing research of biofuels in the Arkhangelsk region indicate the comprehensive facilities and high efficiency of pro-cessing of logging residues. The paper presents the healthy outlook for the integration of forestry business and attraction of investments.


K.L. Mikhaylov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher V.A. Gushchin, Senior Research Officer A.M. Tarakanov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Chief of Laboratory, Chief Research Scientist


Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Nikitova ul., 13, Arkhangelsk, 163062, Russian Federation; e-mail:


logging residual, firewood, biofuel, forest business administration, technology of collection and utilization of wood leftovers, economic expediency

For citation

Mikhaylov K.L., Gushchin V.A., Tarakanov A.M. Collection and Processing of Logging Residual and Firewood in a Felling Area. Lesnoy zhurnal (Forestry journal), 2016, no. 6, pp. 98–109. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.98


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Received on February 08, 2016

Collection and Processing of Logging Residual and Firewood in a Felling Area


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