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V.P. Ivanov, A.V. Erokhin, T.G. Kolosova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.6MB )UDС630*232DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.65AbstractAfter the heat wave of 2010 in the territory of the Training and Experimental Forestry En-terprise of the Bryansk State Engineering Technological University (Bryansk, Russia) the facts of spruce drying were observed in the mixed pine and spruce stands. The problem of forest hygienics and reforestation of damaged plants is of current interest; as even mixed pine and spruce stands lose stability and dry out; and xylophages migrate from spruce to Scots pine. Selective sanitary felling is carried out for the improvement of plantations. This creates difficulties related to the organization of unscheduled care in a large area, high costs with low payback. After in years cutting areas are overgrown with bushes and small-leaved species. After the selective sanitary felling in pine bilberry and sorrel pinery forest types a destruction of pine and spruce stands still continues. The sustainable promoting of natural regeneration on the basis of the analysis of the natural seeding characteristics contributes to the formation of stable mixed pine and spruce stands in the cutting areas of selective sani-tary felling. The objects of research are presented by the composition of mixed pine and spruce stands after selective sanitary cutting, caused by spruce drying and degradation of stands. Detailed surveys are carried out on the plots; the inventory indices and conditions of the parent stand are studied; the natural regeneration is analyzed by the composition, densi-ty, height, age, plant spacing in the area. The study of natural seeding is carried out on the basis of the parcel structure of felling areas. We present a detailed analysis of the parcels site, the state of natural seeding, and forecast of features of the future forest stand. The mechanized soil disturbance and flame soil cultivation when slash and burning contribute to the successful natural regeneration in the cutting areas and the formation of mixed pine and spruce stands with hardwood. The underwood species in natural regeneration enhance soil fertility, biodiversity and sustainability of plantations, reduce the danger class, prevent ero-sion process, and promote the biological cycle of substances.AuthorsV.P. Ivanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A.V. Erokhin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor T.G. Kolosova, StudentAffiliationBryansk State Engineering Technological University, St. Dimitrovа ul., 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; e-mail: ivpinfo@mail.ruKeywordsnatural reforestation, mixed stand, selective sanitary felling, parcel structure, natural seeding, felling area, forest-forming species, underwood.For citationIvanov V.P., Erokhin A.V., Kolosova T.G. Analysis of Natural Reforestation on the Basis of Parcel Structure in Pine and Spruce Forests After Selective Sanitary Felling. Lesnoy zhurnal (Forestry journal), 2016, no. 6, pp. 65–75. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.65References1. Belyaeva N.V. Svyaz' partsellyarnoy struktury fitotsenoza s khodom rosta molodogo pokoleniya eli [Association of Phytocenosis Parcel Structure with a Growth Course of the Spruce Younger Generation]. Nauchnaya diskussiya: voprosy tekhnicheskikh nauk [Scientific Discussion: Issues of Technical Sciences]. Moscow, 2013, pp. 92–96. 2. Gusev I.I. 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