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L.V. Kremleva, V.I. Malygin, K.K. Snegireva Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС621.983.32:621.78-977DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.5.157AbstractOne of the most promising directions of increasing the wear resistance and durability of wood-cutting tools is a hardening of working surfaces by a laser beam. The article presents the results of experimental studies of the process of laser hardening of alloyed tool steels, widely used for the manufacture of milling wood-cutting tools. The preliminary volume heat treatment of tool steel samples has a significant influence on the quality parameters of the surface layer (residual stresses, hardening depth, surface micro-hardness) in the subsequent laser hardening. The experiments are carried out at the pulsed laser strengthening installa-tion «Kvant-18» with a pulse length of 8 ms on the samples of 9XS and CWM steels. Re-sidual stresses of the hardened zone and residual austenite are determined by Rigaku FSM-2M, the microhardness is measured on the micro-sections by a hardness tester PMT-3. The first series of experiments in laser hardening are carried out on unquenched samples. The laser effect on the structurally nonhomogeneous sample leads to adverse tensile surface stresses, microhardness changes slightly. In the second series of experiments the samples are subjected to volume heat treatment. For the quality of laser hardening after a volume heat treatment it is necessary to carry out low tempering. With increasing the tempering tempera-ture the residual austenite decreases in the surface layer of a hardenable part, which reduces the size of the hardened layer and the microhardness of the surface. The pre-quenching tem-perature rise has a positive effect on the quality parameters of the hardenable layer, but ma-chinability of tool steels significantly decreases that can adversely affect the machining op-erations of working and basing tools faces (including grinding) prior to the operation of la-ser hardening.AuthorsL.V. Kremleva, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor V.I. Malygin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor K.K. Snegireva, Postgraduate StudentAffiliationNorthern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Captain Voronin str., 6, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, 164500, Russian Federation;e-mail: Keywordswood-cutting tool, laser hardening, hardening, tempering, retained austenite, hardened layer depth, micro-hardness.References1. Zotov G.A, Pamfilov E.A. Povyshenie stoykosti derevorezhushchego instrumenta [Increasing of Wood-Cutting Tools Resistance]. Moscow, 1991. 295 p. 2. Biryukov V. 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