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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Cut-to-Length Method in Selective Felling

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V.M. Derbin, M.V. Derbin

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The whiplash and CTL technologies are widely used in the world. The whiplash technology has some significant advantages: concentration of a large number of technological operations at industrial sites; the use of high-performance equipment; the use of cheaper electricity to drive the logging equipment; higher return of industrial wood assortments; fuller use of tree biomass. Despite a number of significant advantages of the whiplash technology the CTL technology is widely implemented in recent years. The reasons are: the emergence of a large number of logging companies with a small volume of logging; physical wearing of equipment and impossibility to buy the timber storage facility. Two variants of logging in the selective felling are considered. According to the experience of the harvester operators 3–5 growing trees should be within an operator’s sight for the proper selection of trees to be sawed down and remained. Therefore, an operator should mentally sector a work zone for quality selective logging. The schemes of harvesters’ performance with the work zone sectoring are presented. We demonstrate the order of tree cutting in sectors. For correct evaluation of the technological process the criterion indicators are considered, their values can describe and give a qualitative assessment of the process. The indicators include the machines performance, process energy intensity, production cost, overhead costs. The paper presents a harvester performance formula with the processing time divided into components according to the treatment duration of one tree. The analysis of duration of the parts of a tree processing cycle is carried out. The period of every manipulation of a hydraulic manipulator and the duration component of one tree treatment vary in different technologies of a harvester’s performance. In the first technology one operation position provides a felling of a larger number of trees and a higher performance than in the second one. It is necessary to consider the particular working conditions when choosing the technology of the harvester’s performance (density of plantings, soil conditions).


V.M. Derbin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor M.V. Derbin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:


whiplash technology, CTL technology, selective felling, harvester, work zone, sector.


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Received on April 18, 2016

Cut-to-Length Method in Selective Felling


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