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L.Ya. Gromskaya, M.V. Simonenkov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС625.711.84DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.5.108AbstractThe paper presents the achievements and opportunities of using modern modeling and opti-mization methods in the automated design of road networks and forest roads. The selection of optimization techniques will improve the efficiency of decision-making for the planning and organization of road construction. The survey includes both domestic and foreign de-velopments with the general trends and distinctive features. The paper considers the existing approaches, design stages and the levels of forest road planning. Vector and raster spatial data models, which are the base of road networks modeling, are introduced. The main high-ways design optimization problems are highlighted depending on the process phase. Solu-tion methods are listed in two categories – the exact and heuristic along with problems-solving examples. The most common methods of transport networks optimization are the shortest path method and the minimum spanning tree algorithm. They form the base of the search process of optimal transport network on graphs, successfully implemented in solving transport problems in the medium and short terms, and for small areas. On the basis of the analysis the classification of forest roads models are highlighted. It is concluded that the use of multi-criteria optimization methods and spatial analysis based on the geographic infor-mation system is actual for strategic planning problems. The paper proposes the creation of forest roads management system with four main units: informational, modeling, optimiza-tion and visualization. The effectiveness of the system will depend on the development of long-term strategy and optimization of the main forest roads, as well as the supporting of the selection relationship of cutting fund and prospective schedule of putting into operation of road sections projected by the general scheme. Several optimization techniques depending on the level of planning can be used.AuthorsL.Ya. Gromskaya, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor M.V. Simonenkov, Postgraduate StudentAffiliationSaint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy pereulok, 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; е-mail: gromskaya.stl@gmail.comKeywordsforest roads, road network, logging, forest transport infrastructure planning, for-est road design, modeling and optimization method.References1. Аntonova T.S. 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