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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Main Trends and Challenges of the Use and Reproduction of Forests on the Forest Lands of Vologda Region

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S.A. Korchagov, A.V. Mironov, I.N. Lupanova

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Vologda region is one of the well-forested regions of Russia. As for the root stock among the regions of the Northwest Federal District the region takes a back seat only to the Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region. The existing forest resources in the region allowed form-ing of multidisciplinary and powerful timber complex based on the use of forest resources with all kinds of economic activities. In Russia, the region ranks second in the production of raw wood and chipboard, third – in the production of plywood, and fourth – in the produc-tion of lumber. As for the contribution to the regional economy the forest sector continues to occupy the third place after the ferrous metal industry and chemical industry. Wood and paper-based products from Vologda region are exported to more than 50 countries. The main consumers of timber – the countries of the European Union: Finland, Estonia, Germa-ny, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, France, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, and Czech Republic. Despite some progress in the industrial component of the timber complex, we can observe some negative aspects. The forests of the region are depleting, although slower than in the whole of Russia. In 2007–2013 the average annual felling (by area) exceeded the rate of reforestation on harvested areas in Russia by 7.2 %, in Vologda region – by 2.3 %. The reasons are the lack of funding for the expanded reproduction of forests, considerable volumes of forest destruction from fires and the increasing volume of illegal logging.


S.A. Korchagov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor A.V. Mironov2, Candidate of Economic Sciences I.N. Lupanova1, Postgraduate Student


1Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, Pankratov str., 9, bl. 7, Molochnoe, Vologda, 160555, Russian Federation; е-mail:,
2 Vologda Breeding and Seed Production Forestry Center, Preobrazhenskiy str., 28, bl. B, Vologda, 160026, Russian Federation; е-mail:


forest, forest resources, timber complex, forest management, reforestation, fire hazards, illegal felling, forest legislation, state forest protection center, voluntary forest cer-tification, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) system..


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Received on March 25, 2015

Main Trends and Challenges of the Use and Reproduction of Forests on the Forest Lands of Vologda Region


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