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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Viability Evaluation of Spruce in а Bilberry Birch Forest in the Process of Its Developmental Age

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V.N. Konovalov, L.V. Zarubina

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The paper studies the dynamics of physiological and growth processes of understory spruce at the age changing of a bilberry birch forest. The growth and formation of spruce populations are caused by a joint ontogeny of the secondary forest (birch) growth and restoring population of spruce, and a leaf canopy density. In the initial stages of birch stand growing the rate of physiological processes and the growth of spruce largely depend on the environmental factors. The increment of terminal shoots and the intensity of physiological processes of the spruce undergrowth reach the maximum values in a birch forest of 6–8 years of age in the early stages of hardwood stocking. In a birch forest of this age the intensity of photosynthesis in the spruce undergrowth is higher by a factor of 3–4 than under the canopy of a mature stand. Under these conditions, the spruce water exchange and the root system are more intense. With further de-velopmental age of a birch stand at the formation of the upper leaf canopy and deteriorating of light conditions the physiological and growth activity of understory spruce begins to weaken. Already in the 13-year-old birch forest the spruce undergrowth experiences a negative envi-ronmental impact from birch. A total biological oppression of spruce by birch begins from the age of 20–25 years, which continues until the period of spruce releasing into the first story. Despite the high pigment content, the rate of photosynthesis in the spruce undergrowth in plan-tations of this age does not exceed 5...8 mg CO2/(g?h), which is 3–4 times lower than in the 8-year-old birch forest, and considerably less than in the 13-year-old plantation. To improve the condition of spruce and increase its biological stability it is necessary to facilitate the time-ly implementation of thinning. At the birch age of 20–25 years it is required to carry out the lightening of spruce. In mature stands it is advisable to start the first gradual felling at the age of 50...60 years, the second – in 8...10 years.


V.N. Konovalov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor L.V. Zarubina2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail: 2Vologda State Diary Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, Schmidt str., 2, Molochnoe, Vologda region, 160555, Russian Federation; e-mail:


young spruce, forming birch forest, physiological process, light regime


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Received on May 19, 2015

Viability Evaluation of Spruce in а Bilberry Birch Forest in the Process of Its Developmental Age


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