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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Forests with Korean Pine in the Bureya River Basin

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E.V. Volkov

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The Bureya river is the north-western border of the Korean pine growth area (Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zucc.). Cedar and broadleaved woodlands of this district are attributed by B.P. Kolesnikov to the geographic facies of the northern cedar forests. The cedar forests growing in the northwestern border of the area are practically unexplored in silvicultural terms. The purpose of the study was to determine the silvicultural and forest inventory char-acteristics of cedar and broadleaved woodlands, to assess their sustainability and natural regeneration, to identify and describe the forest types. Forest inventory characteristics, natu-ral regeneration, the undergrowth and shrub and herbaceous layer composition of cedar and broadleaved woodlands in the Bureya river basin were analyzed for the first time on the basis of 6 test areas. In the surveyed area the cedar and broadleaved woodlands and derived groups are located only on the mountain slopes, mainly in their central part. Three forest types were determined: a mountain rhododendron Korean pine forest with oak, a mountain bush-clover Korean pine forest with oak and a mountain hazel Korean pine forest with fir. The allocation of forest types was carried out on the basis of genetic trend approaches (geo-graphic and genetic, dynamic) in the forest typology of B.A. Ivashkevich – B.P. Kolesnikov. The forest types determination in the study area was complicated by the lack of indigenous pine plantations, developing without human influence. The northern geographical facies of broadleaved-Korean pine forests was notable for depleted composition of stands, an under-story and a shrub and herbaceous layer. The Korean pine forests in the Bureya river basin suffered from logging and fires in the past. The least fire damages were observed in the for-ests on the slopes of the northern expositions. Even in the unbalanced state the broadleaved-Korean pine forests are a shelter for nemoral flora. The impact of fires is reflected on natural regeneration, resulting in the small, rarely medium-sized individuals of coniferous species undergrowth. The undergrowth of Korean pine on most plots is not enough to increase the composition of this species in the forest stands. The positions of broadleaved-Korean pine forests are stable; in the absence of fires the Korean pine is well regenerated in the thinned oak forests. Most of the Korean pine growth plots are included in the Bureyskiy Nature Park that increased their protective status. The broadleaved-Korean pine forests in the Bureya River basin especially require the protection from fires.


E.V. Volkov, Postgraduate Student


Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture, Blukher ave., 44, Ussuriysk, 692510, Russian Federation; e-mail:


broadleaved-Korean pine forest, Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zucc., forest type, Bureya river.


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Received on April 07, 2016

Forests with Korean Pine in the Bureya River Basin


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