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Lesnoy Zhurnal

36 Years of Scots Pine Provenance Trials Experiment in the Pskov Region

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М.А. Nikolaeva, А.V. Zhigunov, А.М. Golikov

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Provenance trials of Scots pine in the Pskov region are a part of a vast experiment started on the territory of the former Soviet Union in the 1970s. The studies were conducted in accord-ance with the methods and procedures of the Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry (1972) and Guidelines for a forest seed breeding in the Russian Federation (2000). Survival of trees, their growth parameters, timber volume, and bending of tree trunks were determined in the 36-year-old plantations. The analysis of age dynamics of progenies survival has shown the better survival of the progenies from the taiga zone and mixed forest zone as compared with those from the forest-steppe zone throughout the whole period of testing. Currently, the average survival in this plantation is 24.1 %. A high propor-tion (80,0...85,0 %) of straight-trunk trees with no signs of any disease are observed in the provenances of Pskov, Tver, Novgorod, and Penza climatypes. The farther is the provenance of the parent plants from the trial site to the south and east, the higher is the percentage of curved trunks in the progeny. A considerable variability in growth parameters is observed between the progenies: by the average diameter at a breast height – from 14.4 (Arkhangelsk) to 24.7...24.8 cm (Bryansk, Grodno); by an average height – from 14.7...14.8 (Arkhangelsk, Medvezhyegorsk) to 21.9 m (Bryansk). To the north the provenance survival increases, but their growth rate becomes slower. The productivity of the young plantation has no strict dependence on the latitude of seed origin. The farther is the provenance of the parent plants from the trial site to the east, the worse are survival and growth of their progenies, as well as the productivity. The progenies of Moscow (leader), Leningrad, Pskov, Estonia, Tver, Bry-ansk climatypes are among the best samples in terms of productivity. They can be recom-mended for the production of forest plantations in the Pskov-Novgorod forest seed subarea. Thus, the seeds harvested within 53°15'…59°45' N and 26°15'…39°30' E (approximately) are the most promising material for the Pskov-Novgorod forest seed subarea.


М.А. Nikolaeva1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Management Engineer А.V. Zhigunov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, First Category Engineer А.М. Golikov2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


1 Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy per., 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; e-mail:,
2Novgorod Centre of Forest Health, Branch of the Russian Centre of Forest Health, Bolshaya Sankt-Peterburgskaya str., 81/2, Velikiy Novgorod, 173008, Russian Federation; e-mail:


provenance trial, Scots pine, climatype, progeny, capacity for survival, growth, productivity, forest seed zoning.


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Received on September 07, 2015

36 Years of Scots Pine Provenance Trials Experiment in the Pskov Region


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