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O.S. Mikhaylova, E.V. Kryakunova, A.V. Kanarskiy, Ya.V. Kazakov, T.N. Manakhova, D.A. Dul'kin Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDСUDC 539.233DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.4.157AbstractStarch is used as a binder for increasing the surface sized and internal sized cardboard strength and as a binder in the clay-coating composition in the pulp and paper industry (PPI). To improve the physical and mechanical cardboard properties in technology the mod-ification of starch is frequently used. The work objective was to study the effect of biocata-lytic treatment of potato starch on the physical and mechanical cardboard properties based on recycled paper. The laboratory-made cardboard, consisting of 70 % hardwood hemicellu-lose and of 30 % MS-5B (GOST 10700-97) wastepaper, was used as the cellulose carrier. As the binder was used potato starch, pretreated with enzymes Pseudomonas amylodera-mosa isoamylase or Bacillus licheniformis pullulanase (Optimax L-1000). The square formed cardboard samples with a side length of 14 cm were impregnated with enzyme-pretreated starch paste, counting 200 units of enzyme activity per 1 g of dry matter for 3 hours at 50 °C and constant stirring. The impregnated cellulosic carriers were dried convec-tively on plates of organic glass at room temperature. The stretching test of materials was performed according to ISO 1924-2–85 in a laboratory test facility that included tensile test-ing machine TC 101-0,5b (Ivanovo) and the computer. The experiments demonstrated that pretreatment of starch with isoamylase enzyme led to a slight increasing in cardboard strength properties in comparison with cardboard, impregnated with non-fermented starch, whereas starch treatment with pullulanase enzyme, on the contrary, led to a reduction of almost all of the analyzed parameters.AuthorsO.S. Mikhaylova1, Postgraduate Student E.V. Kryakunova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Kanarskiy1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Ya.V. Kazakov2, Candidate of Engineering Sciences T.N. Manakhova2, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Assistant D.A. Dul'kin2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, ProfessorAffiliation1Kazan National Research Technological University, K. Marx str., 68, Kazan, 420015, Rus-sian Federation; e-mail:, alb46@mail.ru2Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail: Keywordscardboard, starch, isoamylase, pullulanase, deformation characteristics.References1. Belykh E.V., Koksharov A.V., Sivkova M.A., Kuz'mina N.A., Novozhilov E.V. Opredelenie vliyaniya fermentnykh preparatov na vyazkost' krakhmal'nogo kleya [Determi-nation of the Enzymatic Agents Influence on the Starch Glue Viscosity]. Biotekhnologii v khimiko-lesnom komplekse: mater. mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Arkhangel'sk, 11-12 sent. 2014 g.). [Proc. Int. Sci. 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